The Brother

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The front door swung open and the whole band was here,Ashton,Calum,Micheal,and Luke.

"Woah,"They all said at the same time when they saw me sitting on the couch.

"Mother who is this beautiful young lady sitting on the couch,"Ashton asked.

"She is your long lost sister,"As she said that it made me laugh.Just the whole band sitting in front of me was just awesome.I am totally fangirling inside right now.

"I will leave you to so you can discuss this,"I said setting my cup on the table and getting up and going to my room.When I got to my room I opened my computer and started emailing my friend Jennifer.

Ashton's POV

I sat down in front of my mother just staring at her with a confused look.

"How is she my sister,"I said looking at her.

"I put her up for adoption when you were little,"She said starting to cry.

"How old is she,"Luke asked out of no where

"17,"My mother said not making eye contact with him.They all tryed running up the stairs to talk to her but I jumped in front of them before the could get up the stairs.

"I will be the first one to talk to her,"I said walking up the stairs.

Rebecca's POV

I was still emailing jennifer when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in,"I said as ashton walked through the door."Hey what's up."

"I came here to welcome you to our family and I have a couple of questions too,"HE said sitting down on my bed.

"Go away,"I said screaming at the door because I knew someone was there.I heard a moan as I saw someone get up of the floor.

"How did you know they were there,"Ashton asked me.

"This may seem weird but if I have a boy in my room I know If someone is watching or listening because If you had a boy in your room and your parents snuck up to see what you were talking about than that would not be good,"I said.

"Well ok.Here is another question.Do you like 5 seconds of summer,"He asked me making me blush

"Yeah,you guys are the most hottest boyband in my country,"I said throwing down my computer onto my bed and jumping on the bed.

"Do you like anybody in the band,"He said making me run out of the room.I ran all the way down stairs and out the front door.Then I walked back in with a cool manner.But it didn't work I still ended up laughing andfalling hard to the ground.

"So i'm asuming thats a no,"Ashton asked me as I got up and walked back to my bedroom

"NO that was a yes.did you not hear me I said you are the most hottest boyband in my country."I said playfully punching his arm.

"Who do you like,"He asked me.

"Lets see.All of them but the one I like the most is Luke,"I said...


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