Is It True?

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Hello my famous readers! I was wondering something? Was the the last part sad OR NAW! sorry i know im stupid but hey at least theres a story comming up right now!


I woke up to Calum drawing circles on my back. I smiled and turn over to face him. I was happy he was here for me.

"Hey,"He said in his morning voice. after that I remembered everything that happened yesterday. I started to cry and calum noticed. He wiped my tears away and smiled then got up and walked out of the room. I couldn't stop thinking about it so i started to cry super hard then i heard a nock on my door.

"Come in," I said. Ashton walked into my room and sat down next to me.

"Whats wrong,"He said looking at me.

"W-we made love, he told me he loved me and then he ditches me! HE JUST WANTED TO GET INTO MY PANTS AND MANAGED TO DO THAT!" I Cryed harder into his shoulder. He knew who I was talking about so when I said that I saw him clench his jaw."AND THEN I THINK IM FALLING FOR CALUM" I said even louder still crying into his shoulder. He laughed at my comment then he got up.

"I know how you feel, I had some one ditch me once. I thought they actually loved me but they always did something behind my back and then sooner or later I would find out then one time she slept with some one else and now we are not talking to each other." He said clenching his fist. "And what ever luke did Im going to need both calum and mihael to hould me back from smashing his face in but by the end of the month me and luke will prably be friends again but right now he is not evenaloud to look at you,"

I smiled at ashtons comment then I called calum and michael to walk around with ashton when luke is around.


For the past two weeks I have been bawled up in my room crying and not eating. Calum stayed with me those two weeks every night just to make sure I was ok. Calum has finally gotten me to eat and me and calum have grown strong feelings for each other. today was going to be the first day I actually going to come out of my room. I cried even harder becaus I knew I had to see luk sometime and today was going to be that day.

I heard a nock on my door then Ashton walked in.

"Are you ok,"He asked.

"Is he here," I asked him as I looked up from the floor.

"Yeah and so is Kassandra," after I heard her name I ran down stairs to see her and luke making out on the couch. Calum and michael were standing right beside me and Ashton just to make sure ashton didn't do nything.

"You know you can do what ever you want,"Ashton wispered into my ear. I smiled then walked up to luke and tapped on his shoulder. they stopped making out and he looked at me. I kissed him but when I did there was something different about it,. It was worse.

"I knew it," I said. luke looked at me with a confused look," You were only trying to get into my pants,"

I ran back up to my room and started to cry even harder. Is it true? was he only trying to get into my pants. Is it true that I have stronger feelinngs for calum than I did luke?...

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