The Suprise

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I had woken up to someone stroking my hair.I opened my eyes to see Ashton sitting on my bed.I jumped out of the bed and started yelling at him.

"Why are in my room,"I yelled at him.

"Sorry this is how I wake up everybody,"He said standing up.

"Well i would like it if I had some privacy since This is only my second day here,"I said trying to calm myself down."How about you just get out of my room so I can get dressed."

"If that will make you happy,"He said trying to piss me of.

"Don't push it,"I said slaming the door in his face.I dicided to take a shower first because I feel sticky.I stripped down and jumped in the shower.As soon as I was done taking a shower i got out to put some clothes.I felt it was a good day to wear my glasses since I needed new contacts.They were sort of geeky glasses.They had big rims and the were black.They kind of look like Ashton's glasses.I grabbed a zebra print shirt with normal skinny jeans and a pear of white converse.I also had a beenie.

I walked down stairs to see everybody in the kitchen eating some breakfast.

"Are you mocking me now,"Ashton asked.

"No these are my glasses,I have had them since I was 12."I said trying to cheer him up.

"Are you ready to go to the big suprise,"He asked me.

"I don't know let me just get mt phone so we can get going,"I said and he just nodded.I ran upstairs to grab my phone.I had noticed that some one had called me several times.I didn't really care because it was a private number.I ran back downstairs and all the boys were here.We all took one car and Ashton was driving us.Me and Luke sat in the way back,Calum sat up front with Ashton and Micheal sat in the middle.I had gotten tired so I had dicided to lay down.I layed down on lukes sholder and fell asleep.

Luke's POV

I was looking out the window when I felt something on my shoulder.I looked to see what it was and it was Rebecca sleeping.She looked so beautiful just laying there.I smiled and looked back out the window.

Rebecca's POV

I woke up to the sweet voice of luke.I opened my eyes to see his beautiful face.He was smiling and he told me to get out of the car.When I got out of the car I noticed we were at a recording studio.

'What are we doing here,"I asked

"You are going to sing for us so we can hear your beautiful voice,"Ashton said.

"No no nooo, I am not singing i am stage fright,"I said backing up into lukes arms.He wrapped them aroung my waist making me melt inside.We all had walked inside and I saw a bunch of music equiptment...

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