The Stage

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I am so sorry for not updating and happy 4th of July! I am going to give out all the shout outs at the end of this chapter so please read all the bold and comment and vote to get a shout out! and I am so happy that everybody is reading my book. I would also like it if anybody who reads my book and also writes books will give me a shout out. I know it is unexpected for me to ask but i would love it if you gave me a shout out!


Luke walked up to me and kissed me out of no where. I thought it was sweet because of course he is the best kisser in the world but then again it also felt wierd because everybody was staring at us. I laughed and smiled and so did he.

"Um excuse me but we have to get to the stage for the rehearsal so if your done we would love to get going."Ashton said. We all got in the car and drove to the stage. from the out side it looked kind of small but when you walk into the building it was very big. The stage was atleast the size of a house and then there were alot of places people could put stands for advertisement and other things. It looked like there where atleast a thousand seats.

"So you like,"Zayn asked me.

"It looks pretty awesome,"I said while walking back stage. The back was a little bit smaller than the front but not by much. There was enough rooms for me to have my own and one direction to have there's and also 5sos. there were two more rooms for the hair dressers and the clothes person which I forgot what they were called.

"Okay, we need to go on stage and rehearse,"Liam said smiling at me.

I was walking oput on stage when i saw luke whisper something in ashton's ear.

Luke's POV

Me and ashton where walking behind rebecca when I stopped ashton to tell him something.

"I have dicided to do a duet with rebecca but you are the only one that knows about it so dont tell anybody,"I wispered in his ear.

"Okay,"He said.

Rebecca's POV.

I was suspicious because they never keep secrets from me. They all walked out on stage and did what they were supposed to do then it was my turn. I was nervous even though there wasn't a thousnd people. I started to sing and everything went blank around me.I opened my eyes to see I was laying on the floor.

"Are you ok" Niall asked me.I said I was fine but I had a massive headache.I got up and almost fell back down but ashton cought me.

"We'll let you rest but your going to have to get used to the stage even when it has a bunch of people in front of it ,"Ashton said,"We'll try it again in a couple of minutes."



I got back up on the stage to try to sing again and this time i didnt pass out.It was fun singing. it was fun hanging out with the boys.

We all went back to the hotel and I went to go lay down in my bed but instead of laying down I fell asleep.


I was on the stage singing and when I was done singing everybody started booing me and I ran of stage crying I ran into the boys  and they all had disformed faces I ran into the crowd and ran until I got outside but everybody was acting like zombies they all tackled me and then......


I woke up screaming ashton's name at the top of my lungs. he came running in my room and when he saw me crying he came and sat down on my bed with me hugging me as i was crying into his chest. I had noticed he wasnt wearing a shirt but i didnt care because i was to sad to care...



I would like to give shout outs to Mikamoo22 for voting. Another shout out to Music-is-all-i-need for voting three times. A shout out to CJJohnson6, dipinti, and infinitestarlight for adding my book to a reading list! I will try to write more so please coment and vote more! a special thnks to everybody reading love you guys!

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