pt.1 - Why Feel So Blue?〖Kakeru〗

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Why Feel So Blue?
Kakeru(Six Gravity)
[rewrite; 19.04.2020]

On a sunny morning at the park, there sat Kakeru and his best friend of three years, (Y/N) (L/N), admittedly just friends due to their respective families' business ties, but they learned to form a bond beyond those limits.

Now in an open field away from prying eyes, a picnic was set up by (Y/N) to break the news to him that her father is arranging her to marry to some foreign corporate heir, who'd probably just treat her like a trophy wife of some sort to bring to events and parties, she grimaced at the thought but alas can't do much about it herself, the fate of a woman raised in a patriarchal business environment, something she always wished to not befall in, but now it's her turn to be some rich guy's picture-perfect, domestic wife.

She shared her own concerns, but they sadly fell on deaf ears of well-practiced faces of concern of her parents, they just assured her to just smile through the pain and to hush about her true feelings, sometimes she wonders if this is really the only way for a girl like her in this situation can go about it, to which she decided to confide to her best friend.

"I'm sorry to invite you in such short notice, Kakeru. It's just that lately I am at a loss, with this whole arrange marriage and stuff...And nobody in the house is even trying to listen to me." She lamented, tears slowly welling up her eyes as the realization dawned upon her about how little her parents do care when it comes to her happiness, something easily profitable apparently.

"(Y/N) don't cry, please. You know I can't handle seeing you so blue." He frowned as he reached up to pull her into a hug, rubbing circles on her back as her cries grow louder.

She gave him a dry laugh, throat sore from hiccuping and choking on her sobs, she buried herself deeper in his arms "I have no choice in the matter, anyway. But I can't stop myself from being this way now, can I?" Her remark may have some sarcasm lacing it lightly, but he knows she means no ill manners, he understands, he gets where she's coming from.

"Then why don't you just run away? I mean I did, and look at me now! I'm living freely, and not living like a stuck up rich kid like before." He pulled back and gaze into her puffy (E/C) eyes, never realizing how they look so beautiful sparkling under the refracted sunlight, he tried to cheer her up some more and ended up with cracking a small smile on her tear-stained face.

"Easy for you to say. You have a stable job and have a place to live in after your dad turns your apartment into a castle. I'll be wandering the streets like a lost puppy and won't survive outdoors." She huffs, already drawing points to his flawed idea, not to mention her parents' fury if she does leave the household unannounced.

"Well, you can live in the apartment complex. You have the money to afford it after all, and you could finally have that music career you had been dreaming of since kindergarten. Who knows, maybe you'll work at our company!" He said cheerily added, trying to sold her this elaborate scheme jokingly, though he might not be kidding about it at all, but who knows.

"I doubt my father can't find me there, and he won't hesitate to drag me back by the scruff of my neck like a misbehaving dog." She scoffed, already having formed the image in her head, just her cartoonishly kicking and screaming as her dad drag her back with red veins drawn over her dad's head, she shook her head to get the image off but it did make her snicker.

"Seriously, (Y/N). How am I supposed to cheer you up if you only bring me down with your negativity, you pessimist." He stuck his tongue out at her and she returned the gesture before they both shared a laugh before laying on the soft grass side by side.

She sighed, the slight smile on her face fading slightly, "Sorry. It can't be helped that I can't seem to shake off this feeling of dread." She briefly closed her eyes, pursing her lips.

"Hey, you! Stop that, you're not gonna leave this park with that attitude, understand?" Kakeru points at her as she nodded slowly, before he settles back to gazing at the sky, "I know you truly have the means to be happy, (Y/N). You just gotta pave the way and not go for the one paved for you." He advises and She turned to her side to gaze at him, "Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" He chuckled and puts his hands behind his head "Life and experience just teach me things to tell others."

That did it, her smile widens and she giggled through her glistening eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Kakeru wouldn't admit it out loud, but even at her current state he still thinks that she's beautiful than ever.

She rolled back to her back and closed her eyes, smile widen serenely, "Thanks Kakeru, you know how to crack me up even at this level of stress, and you know what, maybe I'll do it. I'll escape and pursue that music career I wanted to have instead of the boring business courses at home. I promise you that." She opened them to glance at him as he looked up at the sky.

He sat up and looked at (Y/N) with a gentle look in his soft blue eyes, "I know I'm the best at cheering people up, and don't promise me, promise yourself as well. I hope to one day see you on stage in front of thousands of people. I wish you luck on that."

She sat up and kissed his cheek and pulled him to a hug "You know Kakeru, why should I feel so blue when I could spend time with you." Kakeru couldn't help but just blush and hugged her back.

But he could've sworn he saw 4 familiar hair colours(Red, Pink, Dark Grey, and Light Brown) behind a couple of bushes, but he could be just mistaken.

Edit; Decided to edit this to be longer and be more informative than just be pretty girl cries over arrange marriage.

I'm pretty sure you can guess who the four people hiding in the bushes.

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