On Your Left!〖Iku〗

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On Your Left!

Iku was out for the rest of the day due to the track race against their school's biggest rival Ryoutei Gakuen, who had won seven times in a row, and their elite team of track runners, especially 'The winged goddess'.

Ever since she joined Ryoutei's Track Team they've been winning gold left and right, she was their star player and his biggest obstacle yet. Yet, he has no idea what she looks like not her true name since he only has heard rumors about her.

While he was distracted someone run ahead of him, snapping him out of his dazed state, and the urge to race against this stranger made him run faster.

The person manages to distant themselves far enough before stopping, and patiently waited for him to catch up, he gasped for air as his sweat rolled down his face and body.

"Not bad. Although you could use some breathing techniques so you're not always this winded, that was barely a mile long." He looked up from bending over his knees and saw a girl, around his age, with barely a trickle of sweat on her forehead.

"T-thanks, what's your name?"

"(Y/N), and yours?"

"Iku and you are a really fast runner, do you do track?" He started to make small talk to pass the afternoon.

She nodded "Yep, the star player actually." His eyes lit up, maybe he could learn a thing or two from her.

"Well, my school has this big race a couple of days from now, would you mind giving me tips?" She puts on a thinking face before shrugging "Sure, I mean it's not like giving someone tips on how to improve is wrong." They began a slow jog as she proceeds to tell him many tips and he mentally wrote them down.

It was night time and he has learned a lot, he turned to her "Hey, (Y/N), maybe we could meet here tomorrow, same time." She smiled before nodding "Definitely, also can we exchange numbers?"

Days have passed, and the competition is drawing near, tomorrow in fact, and Iku started developing odd feelings for the (H/C) girl.

"Iku, are you even listening?" He was yet again snapped back to reality by (Y/N) waving a hand on his face. He blinked before looking back at her "You know since the Track Race is tomorrow, if I win, or even lose, I was thinking we could like go eat out or go to my apartment, I'm sure my friends won't mind an extra plate." She smiled "I'd love to."

When he returned back to the apartment with the biggest smile on his face, he cheerfully greeted the rest of the group and they stared at him oddly "What's up with you?" Yoū asked, pointing a wooden spoon at him accusingly, he shrugs and giggles to himself "I don't know, oh, and by the way would it be alright if we have a guest tomorrow?" Everyone turns to look at Shun who shrugged and have a smile on his pale face "I don't see the problem in that."

The day of the race came, his friends and schoolmates occupied the bleachers, and he was warming up along with the rest of his team, he recited the tips given to him repeatedly in his mind before the announcer said that Ryoutei's Team had arrived in the field.

Leading them was a familiar feminine figure with (H/L) (H/C) hair shining in the sun, and (E/C) eyes that scanned the field until it saw him and froze.

One of her team members has to shake her gently before she focused again.

It was a tie and the first player to cross the finish line wins.

Iku went to the starting line, along with (Y/N), and then the referee fired the shot, and off they go.

They were on par with each other, no one going too far back nor too far ahead. When (Y/N) suddenly land on her left foot in an awkward position, sending her tumbling to the ground, people from the Ryoutei's bleachers stood up in surprise and her teammates shouted at her to get up.

Iku glanced behind him several times, debating in his head, before stopping in his tracks, a few meters away from the finish line and jog back to where she was laying.

"Iku, what are you-eep!" He cut her off by lifting her up, bridal style, and slowly jogged back and crossed the finish line. Both people from Ryoutei and his school cheered.

The gold medal was placed around his neck, but Ryoutei didn't care that they lost one gold medal but they appreciate Iku's willingness to help (Y/N) instead of finishing first and let the paramedics take her back.

The two schools celebrated in a nearby diner that Ryoutei had previously rented for their own victory party and the two schools mingled with each other and decided to partner up instead.

When the party died down, Iku and (Y/N) decided to head towards the park and just walk around.

"Thanks for what you did earlier, that was noble of you."

"It's nothing, really. And besides, I'd be a big jerk if I didn't help you."

"But you contemplated it." She teased and he just chuckled nervously, "at least I didn't choose the gold. Even though we still won."

"Hey, Iku." He turned to her "Yeah?" She was silent for a bit before saying "I still won't mind going with you on that dinner." He lit up before he began dragging her to a cab.

"Hey guys, meet (Y/N) the guest that I was telling you guys about."

Everyone greeted her and she greeted them back.

"She's a very lovely princess, is she perhaps your girlfriend?" Teased Shun as Iku's face turned red.

"Why, yes I am." He even turned redder at her confident statement "Wait...what?"

"You do realize you think out loud, right?" She pointed out and he stuttered incoherently but was silent after (Y/N) gave him a peck on the cheek, and he just exploded.

"Now, I heard from Iku over here that Yoū makes curries from heaven, now I haven't tasted curry yet so this is my first."

Yoū excitedly pulled her towards the dining room "Then you will certainly have a great time."

𝙏𝙎𝙐𝙆𝙄𝙐𝙏𝘼 - 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨.Where stories live. Discover now