Go Out With Me?〖Kakeru〗

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Go Out With Me?

Kakeru (Six Gravity) 
Requested By Tsurumaruwu

Kakeru nervously paced around the common room, the rest are going about their day and some glancing back at him as he started murmuring under his breath.

"Kakeru, are you okay?" Koi asked his friend and Kakeru turned to him with a nervous look on his face, "Uhm, hey Koi...I'm fine, just nervous..." Koi tilted his head "Eh, what for?" Kakeru sighed before falling back to the couch, beside Hajime as he read the latest news "Oh, Kakeru is this about that girl?" He inquiries and Kakeru turned red as the rest of their group turned to the calm Hajime in surprise "Oh~ what girl?" teased Koi as he leaned over the couch and mischievously smiled at Kakeru.

"It's nothing...haha...how'd you found out?" He looked at Hajime and he just let out a chuckle, "Shiki told me his sister was asking about you during a meeting." Kakeru, if even possible, turned redder.

"So, now that the secret is out. What are you nervous about?" Hajime puts his phone down and leaned back into the sofa.

Kakeru groaned, "Ah, I thought that it's time I go ask her out but, I'm kinda still nervous and...Shiki scares me." He ruffled his blond hair in frustration, then glance at Hajime on his phone, "What are you doing?" He replied nonchalantly "Just texting Shiki about (Y/N)'s schedule." Kakeru jumped in a frenzy, "What, no!" Then Hajime read from his phone, "He said she's free for today, so you're good to go. He also says that he doesn't mind him you bringing her past dinner." Kakeru buried his face with a throw pillow as the rest of his group laugh and tease him.

Kakeru sighed before pulling out his phone, and opening his contacts, he shakily typed in her number.

The phone rings once....twice....thrice....then she picks up!

"Hey, Kakeru! What's up?" Her cheerful voice brought a smile to his face, "Oh, uhmm...I was wondering...would you like to say.....go to the Sumida Aquarium with me?" He nearly sighed in relief as he heard her excited squeal, "Sure, let's meet up at the Tokyo Skytree station, maybe grab lunch together first?" Kakeru stuttered a reply, "Of course, yeah! Uhm, see you later...bye!" He breathed out a huge sigh of relief, "Good luck with your date, Kakeru." Haru smiled at him encouragingly.

He stood outside a café near the station, checking his phone constantly until he heard the jovial voice of (Y/N) heading towards him, "Hey, Kakeru!" He gulped as his cheek reddens at the sight of her.

They took their orders, though Kakeru offered to pay for both of their meals, though (Y/N) insisted that he'll just pay for dinner instead, to which he decided to agree.

After riding the train to the area until they quickly found the Aquarium and bought tickets before entering, they roamed the place, even stopping by the koi pond before entering the underground area.

After riding the train to the area until they quickly found the Aquarium and bought tickets before entering, they roamed the place, even stopping by the koi pond before entering the underground area

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(Y/N) instinctively grabbed his arm, "Sorry, I get nervous in the dark, and I don't wanna lose you in an aquarium of all places." She giggled, and Kakeru tenses up but played it cool, or tried to...

"Oh, no problem (Y/N)..." He prayed that she couldn't see the blush forming under the blue light, but all he could see was her gazing at the glass walls and admiring all the marine life the area had to offer, and he can't help but admire her from this distance, the way her eyes seem to sparkle in the dark, the way the dim blue light provided enough for him to see her excitement without her hiding any of it, just pure happiness and wonder.

As the hours went on, the two went around the areas of the Aquarium, even stopping by to watch the shows scheduled for that day, Kakeru even bought (Y/N) a dolphin plushie, which she absolutely loves to death immediately.

As they continue to walk side by side, with (Y/N) still has her arm around his, they shared laughs and continued to talk the entire day.

"Kakeru, I enjoyed spending the day with you, but if I may ask, shouldn't you be busy with preparations?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow at him, both of them are standing in front of a large tank.

They stood close together, keeping their eyes on the water, watching the fishes swim, "Well, because I....wanted to treat you cause...y'know....I thought you'd like to come here with me..." He bit his bottom lip, glancing at her then back to the tank, she giggles, "I can tell that, but why?" She insisted but Kakeru swallowed hard, "I...uhm, I—" He sighed then finally looked at her, "I have a crush on you, and I wanted to come here because, well...I wanted to ask you out to be my girlfriend." She smiled, Kakeru's heart skipped a beat and he swallowed hard, "I've been waiting for you to ask me out, you know." She let out a small laugh, "I thought I have to ask you out instead." Kakeru turned redder than Yoū's hair.

"Oh...I didn't know you feel that way..." He murmured, but he gathered enough courage to grab her hand in his, and they shared a comfortable silence just holding hands.

" He murmured, but he gathered enough courage to grab her hand in his, and they shared a comfortable silence just holding hands

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