pt 2. - All Over Again〖Hajime〗

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All Over Again

|pt 2|

Hajime ; Six Gravity

The envelope contained tickets for a movie upcoming this Saturday, his day off luckily, along with a note from (Y/N).

Hey Hajime, I got tickets for that movie remake of the ones we used to watch at your place. I know it's your day off, you blabbermouth, so this should help with your stress, so you better show up. I'll be waiting for you in the shop, oh and dress casual, and I don't mean suit casual!

He chuckled, rolling his eyes as he went to place the ticket on his dresser, and pulled out his phone to add the reminder on his calendar, "Now, what and I suppose to wear?" He hummed as he walked over to his wardrobe thinking for a bit before he paused, "Wait, why am I bothered by that?" He wondered aloud as he shook his head, just as someone knocked at his door.

"Come in."

Haru stepped inside, he quickly glanced at the envelope on his dresser before turning to Hajime, still standing in front of his closet, he placed a hand under his chin as he hummed, "Preparing for a date with Miss (Y/N)?" He asked as Hajime quickly shook his head, "What? No..." He trailed off, unbuttoning the top of his shirt, suddenly feeling hot even when the AC is running, Haru shook his head and chuckled, "She told me about your younger years together. Quite adorable." He leaned on the wall as Hajime shook his head, "She never lives my embarrassing memories down, even as adults." He chuckled, already imagining all sorts of stories she could've told him.

 "Well, I did realise something during our small talks. She always looked so happy to talk about you," He shrugged, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she likes you." He then looked into Hajime's wide eyes, "But, I could be wrong." He pushed himself off from the wall and patted Hajime on his back, "Good luck with her, leader. Good night." With a final wave, he left Hajime's room to gather his muddled thoughts.

Days passed and he walked down the familiar street to the shop, just in time to see her closing the door and locking the shop door, she glanced to the side and smiled at the sight of him, she stood up and placed a hand on her hip, "What took you so long, slowpoke?" She teased as he rolled his eyes, before he took notice of her attire, a white sweatshirt tucked inside a long, brown denim skirt, "I knew this was too much." She sighed, crossing her arms over herself in embarrassment, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"No, it's not that, you look amazing." He tried to reassure her as she looks up at him, shifting on her flats, "Well, at least you didn't show up all fancy." She snickered as Hajime turned around, "Yep, just plain, old Hajime." He smiled before nervously looked down at her as he stepped closer, and she tilted her head up at him in confusion.


"(Y/N), can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?" She tilted her head to the side as he bit his bottom lip, "Before I start to get the wrong idea, can you tell me this first. Is this a... date?" Her (E/C) eyes widen for a bit before her expression relaxed to form a smile as she sighed in relief, "Oh, I thought you were going to say something else." She then nods her head, "Why did you think I went through the trouble of sealing it in an envelope?" She chuckled, shaking her head, "To answer you, before I get the wrong idea, yes it is a date."

and he held out his arm for her, "Then, shall we go?" She linked up her arms with him and they proceed to head to the cinema.

A few days later...

The bell overhead rings as Hajime came into the shop, he hid flowers behind his back as he watched (Y/N) handed an elderly couple their purchase and smiled as they thank her, and he stood aside as they exited the door before approaching the counter, "Good morning, beautiful." She turned to him and grinned, "About time!" She jumped over the counter and pulled him into a hug, "Oh!" She quickly lets go when she heard the slight crinkle of the paper the bouquet is wrapped in, Hajime chuckled as he pulled it out from behind his back, "Surprise?" She grinned as she gingerly took the bouquet from his grasp and examined the flowers.

(Y/N) looked back at him and snickered as he patiently waited for her reply, although secretly he's eager to hear her approval, "Do you really have to go through all this?" She mused as he nodded his head, "How else could I've made up for lost time?" He retorts as she playfully rolled her eyes, "Well, I guess you're right about that for sure..." She trailed off as she traced the soft edges of the flowers before looking back at him, "I think I'm falling for you all over again."



Was this worth the time? I don't think so ;-;

School is getting hard to keep up, but I'll try my best!

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