How The Modern Jade Jury Grew Up

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Umber: His egg was thrown out with his siblings, and when his egg hatched, his oldest sister was missing. He lived with his siblings, happily, until an Ice Clanian murdered his sister, Stork. He had been in a state of grief, until his missing sister came along, known as Terracotta.

Qibli: When he was hatched from his egg in the sands of the desert, his family hated him already. His father straight up left the family, his mother stabbed him with her tail repeatedly, and his brother and sister shamed him and harmed him. It was when he ran away that he encountered Cactus, the leader of the Scorpion Den. Cactus took Qibli in, and raised him as her own.

Peril: Peril was one who should have never existed, according to the citizens of Sky Clan. Peril had the ability to breathe fire, like all Sky Clanians, but she was born with too much fire. Anything she touched would burn or melt, and only a few Mud Clanians who were immune to fire could touch her. Raised by the current leader, Crimson, she fought in the Sky Arena, knowing that she had killed her own brother while they were still in the same egg, and that her mother was dead..... supposedly.

Turtle: Turtle was always a quiet one. Never noticed by his subjects, and always picked on by his brothers. He never did get to hang out with his sisters, since his mother kept them on a harness... literally. Turtle was one of the few who could use Magicks, which meant he was the reincarnated descendant of Aerwyna. He his his abilities, until he met Stargazer, who was also capable of the Magicks of the Jade Jurors.

Kinkajou: Growing up in the easy lifestyle of Rain Clan wasn't hard. She got to eat healthy fruit, and sleep all day. She also had beautifully vivid and bright scales that could change color. This was a gift of Amarina, her ancestor. A bit frightened by it all, she ran into the lower half of the rainforest. There she was captured by Night Clan, and dragged to their volcanic island and experimented on.

Crystal: Crystal has been training her entire life, ever since she broke out of her eggshell. Able to survive a godly blizzard freeze at two years old, kill Killer Whales ten times her size at age three, and fighting full grown hybrids at age five, she was not one to be messed with. She always felt tingly in her claws, which bothered her. Always impressing and making her parents proud, she outshone her other brothers and sisters. It was on the day of the Diamond Trial that it was discovered she had the Magicks abilities of Alycia. No descendant of Alycia has been able to use Magicks, ever since the second descendant, Arctic, was murdered by the first descendant of Mikazuki, Fathom. She was forced to gift Ice Clan things, and eventually threw herself into the sea, where when she woke up, she was on a medical bed... next to Stargazer.

Stargazer: Life started out okay. She was always ignored and yelled at by her older sister, Diamond, but she got enough love from her mother, Wave. It was at age three when she discovered that, like Wave, she had Magicks of Mikazuki. Unlike Wave, she had Mikazuki's full set of abilities; mind reading, future sight, and Magicks. Diamond, in a fit of rage and jealousy, murdered their mother in order to win Stargazer over by fear. Stargazer was smarter than this, and had escaped to her father's realm, where she met her older brothers.

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