Sweetest 10 Seconds

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It was like any other ordinary day for any of us, but it definitely isn't for Sophia who was dolling herself up prettily in her room. She was like any other ordinary starlight, just like us, but who knew that she actually caught the eye of a VIXX member. To know more. read on...

"OMG i'm so excited for the VIXX concert i am going to attend later!" Sophia squealed in exhilaration. Sophia's sister, Eileen replied in annoyance,"Quit squealing Sof! I'm trying to focus on my work!" Since Eileen was not a VIXX fan back then, she did not know that VIXX was so charming, to the point that Sophia got attracted to them deeply. After hearing what Eileen said, Sophia denied,"No. You will like them very soon if you watch their performances. You don't know how excited i am just to get to see my oppas!"

(At the VIXX concert venue)

"Hey Sof, what's up? Why are you standing here alone? Shouldn't you be inside the performance hall already?"Janelle, a fellow starlight asked. She is a friend of Sophia's and the two of them would always sit together with each other to fangirl over VIXX. "Hi Janelle! Of course i was waiting for you!" Let's head in there now!" Sophia said with much enthusiasm, pointing at the door to the performance hall.

Soon, the VIXX concert started. It went really smoothly too. Sophia and Janelle were both enjoying themselves and getting mesmerised in the harmony that the 6 members of VIXX made during their performances. Since Wonshik, who was also known as Ravi of VIXX , was Sophia's favourite member, she would go a little crazy during all the rap parts and singing parts that Wonshik had.

After the concert, a hi-touch session started. Since Sophia and Janelle bought category one tickets to the concert, they were entitled to the hi-touch session. It meant that they had a chance to meet VIXX and say hi to them while shaking their hands. That was the part when Sophia and Janelle were waiting for. As the members of VIXX walked down the seats and fans to shake hands with them, little squeals of happiness from starlights could be heard and felt. When it was finally Sophia's turn, all the other VIXX members shook hands with her, leaving her mind really blank. As Sophia expected, the last member to shake hands with her was actually Wonshik , her ultimate bias among all the members of VIXX. The moment Wonshik walked past Sofea, their eyes caught each other. Both were looking at each other as if they were attracted to one another. At that moment,Sophia thought that her heart was going to melt any moment and that moment of staring lasted for 10 seconds straight. Silence engulfed them and it was just pure eye contact between them.

Like Sophia, Wonshik was also mesmerised by Sophia's beauty and hoped to meet her again. Suddenly, someone said,"Wonshik ah. Quit standing there and move on!" It was Hakyeon, their leader. He was normally called by the name 'N' because it was his stage name. But those who know more of VIXX would call them by their real names. This time, the eye contact between Wonshik and Sophia were finally broken and Wonshik was brought back from his daze. "I have to go. Hope to see you someday again!" Wonshik said.

Since Sophia was still dwelling on the fact that Wonshik actually made eye contact with her and even talked to her, she smiled to herself. By the time Sophia came back to her senses, Wonshik had already walked off to a further place. "I wish i was you Sophia. 10 seconds of straight eye contact would be what any starlight wants! Sophia, you're really lucky!" Janelle said in jealousy.

"Since I am in a great mood, i will treat you to dinner later and walk you home too!" Sophia replied in sheer sweetness. It was rare for Sophia to say that because she rarely treated somebody to a meal. Janelle nodded happily and together, both of them went for dinner and went home together.

At home, Sophia packed her bag and got ready to sleep as there was still school the next day.


So this sums up my first chapter:) I hope you guys will like my next few parts of the story:) I am really sorry if there is too much grammatical errors in here or if it's too short:( Special thanks to my friend, who helped me with some of the editing of this first chapter:)

@SakatsuraYumi --> Do follow her too:)

Question: What country are you guys from? I'm from Singapore. If you have any questions or feedback regarding this story,please comment in the comment box below. Thank you! :) I will try to reply to you guys as soon as possible:)

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