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(In the function room)

As Hakyeon and Janelle kissed, the door to the function room creaked open. Wonshik saw Sofia and the rest of the girls streaming in. "Shhh...," Sofia put a finger to her lips as Wonshik tried to stifle a surprised question of why they were there when they said they could not make it. Sofia and the rest certainly did not want the situation to turn awkward by interrupting their kiss...

Soon, everybody started to eat the food they ordered and the boys were totally pigging out because they were famished.Who knows how  long they had been starving for.

As Hongbin picked up a piece of red bean bun from the table, Christine took notice of it. "Red bean boy?" Christine questioned. Hongbin's face immediately turned red in response to Christine's question. Christine saw how Hongbin's face was like after she tried to confirm one of her suspicions about Hongbin: Hongbin was the red bean boy she met back then in kindergartden.

As Christine tried to voice out what was in her mind, Hongbin desperately waved his hands towards Christine,  knowing what was going to happen if Christine really revealed it: The secret he had been trying to keep for  almost 2 decades. It was really embarrassing for Hongbin back then. If the rest of the VIXX members knew, who knows when they would stop teasing him with that embarrassing secret of his.

Christine laughed it off and shared Hongbin's secret with the rest nevertheless," Guys, want to know a little secret from Hongbin?" Everyone nodded and Sanghyuk even gave Hongbin an evil grin. Hongbin facepalmed as he knew it would all come to light and it will be a never- ending tease from his fellow group members.

"In kindergartden, Hongbin was the so-called 'Red-bean boy'. This was because every single time during snack break, Hongbin would ask for a red bean bun as his afternoon snack. If there wasn't red bean bun for him during an afternoon snack break, he would cry and sulk at the corner instead." Christine said. "OH MYYYYY BEANNIE IS SO CUTE!" Hakyeon went up to squeeze Hongbin's cheeks. "Stop it hyung..." Hongbin begged desperately.

Thinking of what happened to Hongbin, Ellie smiled and said softly,"Don't- steal-my-toy?" At the sound of what Ellie mentioned, Jaehwan whipped his head around after taking a whole bunch of food on his plate.   "/munch/ yeshh Ellie? Why did you call me?," Jaehwan replied while munching on some food. Upon realisation, he continued,"Wait... i never mentioned about me being called 'don't-steal-my-toy' in childcare. How... did you know?"

Ellie replied in a matter-of-factly tone," Well, it was quite easy to guess... after all, that same loud guy with all the all-too-familiar features, especially that big nose and foreign look... Could've guessed that it was you. All the time in childcare you were the famous boy i heard other mothers gossiping to my mom about. I could hear you screaming 'don't steal my toy' almost every hour. That's how your nickname came about." Everyone laughed in response to that and Jaehwan jumped up to Ellie and hugged her tightly,"Aye you remember me!!" "If only you could be as open as Jaehwan hyung, Hongbin hyung." Sanghyuk shrugged, earning a death stare from Hongbin.

This time, Aiza started humming to the tune of 'beauty and the beat' by Justin Bieber. "Didn't it hurt to jump from the second floor all the way to the first floor?" Sanghyuk asked Aiza.

Aiza realised what Sanghyuk was talking about and replied," How did you know about this?" Everyone looked to Sanghyuk in curiousity and Sanghyuk answered,"Well, you see, who knew that someone would take me as Justin bieber and jumped down the 2nd floor because i was on the first floor back then in high school? The moment she saw my face, she immediately blacked out because she said i looked like Justin Bieber and i was too handsome... i even had to bring her to the nursing room in school and ended up being late for class..." Sanghyuk sighed as he looked at Aiza. "Now i got my Justin Bieber look-alike." Aiza smiled dimwittedly at Sanghyuk.

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