When Love Starts To Blossom

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Going along with their usual routine every morning, Janelle and her cousin, Christine would go to school every morning in Christine's father's car. ''SCREW SCHOOL. I HATE SCHOOL. THE STUPID WI-FI DOSEN'T WORK." Christine whined and complained. Being a total opposite from Christine, Janelle sat on the car seat quietly and studied for her upcoming test. A distinction was bound to be hers.

This time, Christine looked over to Janelle and saw that Janelle did not even stir a little. Since it was a very common scene to see Janelle hitting her books first thing in the morning, Christine went onto her phone to watch a video of Hongbin, a member from VIXX. Since Christine was a fansite master herself, her phone gallery would always have a whole sea of Hongbin pouring in. Most of the photos Christine took of Hongbin were the times when he cringed and smiled. Never did she know that she would meet him...

Out of the blue, the car that Christine and Janelle were in halted with a loud screech. Christine's father had not clearly recovered from the shock of stopping the car abruptly like this. In front of the car was Hongbin! Somehow, Hongbin got scared and started to cringe from shock. Like this, Christine's father went out of the car and started reprimanding and reminding Hongbin to be careful when he is on the road. Hongbin nodded out of embarrassment and left quickly.

Christine saw all this and she could not believe her eyes. The one she has been wanting to meet all along is right in front of her eyes, wearing the same school uniform as her. How was that even possible?

The next moment, when Christine realised what had happened, she went after Hongbin in a hurry. When Hongbin turned around, he saw Christine and the first question directed to his face was,"Sorry Hongbin! Are you okay? My father ran into you just now.. I hope you're really okay. "Christine said , trying to catch her breath. Hongbin answered awkwardly," Who are you and why do you know my name? Wait.. you seem really familiar..."

Christine immediately replied,"Yes, you're right. I'm a starlight and a fansite master too. I'm so sorry that my dad almost ran over you and scolded you too." At this time, Christine's heart was already beating so fast as if it was about to burst.

Hongbin replied," Hey, i'm okay. But other then a fansite master, i seemed to have met you somewhere else, and you resemble someone who was really close to me... and.. I'm okay. Thank you for asking me."

"Really? I didn't know though..." Christine replied in a questioning tone. Hongbin snapped back to his senses and said"Let's get to school . We are going to be really late at this rate." "Oh shoot you're right!" Christine looked at her watch and exclaimed. "Wait for me Hongbin!" Christine ran back to the car as fast as possible in order to get to school faster. When Christine reached the car, she took her bag and pulled Janelle out of the car too. Janelle was caught in a surprise as she was still studying for her test. But, she managed to catch up with Christine anyways.

"Bye dad!" Screamed Christine. "Bye uncle!" Janelle managed to shout back. Christine's father waved to them and mouthed a "Stay safe" and drove off. As soon as Christine and Janelle caught up to Hongbin, the three of them walked to school in complete silence, It was really awkward and Christine could not find all the right words to say. It was because her heart was palpitating at an uncontrollable speed with 2 sides fighting over whether she should talk to Hongbin.

Of course, the side that asked her not to talk won. At the same time, Hongbin's heart started to melt (not literally). He thought,"Why is it so warm in here? This feeling is so rare! Am i falling in love with her?" Hongbin's face flushed red and turned hot at the same time.

(In school)

Rachel was Hakyeon's childhood friend. When Hakyeon transferred over to this school, Rachel was really excited as Hakyeon himself was Rachel's crush. When Hakyeon became an idol, she knew she did not stand a chance because it became harder for Hakyeon to date. as mentioned in chapter 2, Janelle was the class chairperson. She had to be a role model to her class and was a student with straight-As. However, some classmates found her an eyesore and were always picking on her.

Today was another day that she got picked on. Now 2 guys in her class. They started by forcing her into a corner. By coincidence, Hakyeon saw what was happening and his feelings for Janelle became stronger then before. He felt that it was his responsibility to protect Janelle if she comes to any harm. Without much thought, Hakyeon shouted," Nobody touches my girlfriend! She's mine!" Woah, that must have shocked Janelle. Then, the two guys looked at Hakyeon and nodded at Janelle, signalling to her that she was bold enough to get someone to fight for her.

Hakyeon went up to hug Janelle and she hugged back. They knew that both of their feelings were mutualised. Hakyeon broke off from the hug soon and pulled Janelle together with him to join the rest of the members for dance practice. As usual, Wonshik and Sophia were together. "Oh oh look! Who's here... Ohhh... I see N-hyung and his... girlfriend. OOOOOHHH OUR N-HYUNG HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Sanghyuk started jumping and running around like a little child. Laughter was heard on the way to dance practice as Janelle and Sophia went for lunch together...


I hoped you guys liked this part and story thus far:) Please look forward to my future chapters:) Thank you for understanding me too~ Love you guys!~ See you guys in the next chapter~

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