A Beautiful Accident

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(At home)

"Mom, i'm going to school!" Sophia said to her mother in a hurried manner. She could not wait to get to school as she needed to finish her unfinished Math homework. Since Math was her favourite subject, Sophia had no problem finishing her homework within a short span of time.

(In school)

"Ring ringgggg!" School started and the first thing that the students heard from the system after the bell was,"We have 6 boys that transferred into our school. They would be put into different classes. If they are in your class, please be welcoming and nice to them. Thank you." When Sophia heard that,she knew there was a possibility of the VIXX boys transferring into her school. "No, no Sophia... stop being delusional. That won't happen." Sophia thought to herself.

(Along the corridor)

As the class chairperson, Janelle had to carry a pile of worksheets to the staff room for the teacher to mark. "Not again...." Janelle murmured to herself as carrying things while walking a far distance was the very last thing she ever wanted to do. When Janelle made her way down to the staff room with a big pile of worksheets, someone bumped into her and the worksheets in her hands all dropped onto the floor.


"Dynamite! oneulman na jogeum ukhalge oh, michyeo, nalttwieo, eoljilleo, shake it down..." Hakyeon was humming to himself while walking back to his class after a boring Geography lecture. "Plop!" Hakyeon heard a sound and turned his head towards the direction where the sound came from. He saw Janelle's papers all scattered onto the ground and without a second thought, Hakyeon rushed towards Janelle and helped her pick up all the worksheets. After picking up most of the worksheets, Hakyeon handed it back to Janelle. "Here. Here are your worksheets." As soon as both of their faces met, Janelle managed to recognise Hakyeon,"Aren't you the VIXX leader N?" Hakyeon nodded and told her,"Just call me Hakyeon," "Oh! Weren't you the one at the concert yesterday?"

This time,"Janelle kept silent and nodded shyly,"Oh yes i'm noticed! I'm noticed!" :) However, Janelle had to keep really quiet about her fangirl side in order to not to scare Hakyeon off. "Oh thank you Hakyeon oppa, i have to go now." Janelle replied. She certainly did not want to get scolded for sending the worksheets to the staff room late again. As Janelle left, Hakyeon felt a slight tingle in his heart. He felt something for Janelle, but he was not sure of his own feelings yet.

(After school)

Sophia was walking across the road to head home while listening to her usual stash of VIXX songs. "BEEP BEEP!" A car horn sounded and it was approaching Sophia fast and furious. As Sophia was on earphones, she did not notice a car coming towards her. Wonshik had just finished his lessons for the day and were about to meet the other 5 members. He glanced around as he stepped out of the school. Before he knew it, Wonshik heard a loud beep and he saw Sophia in danger. Without actually thinking about his safety, Wonshik rushed up to Sophia and pushed her aside. This time, Sophia fell into his arms and realised that the car had just zoomed pass her. Sophia was scared and tears started welling up in her eyes. Wonshik was a little angry with Sophia as he cared for her a lot,"Sophia! Are you crazy?" What if something happens to you? I will lose the love of my life!"

Touched by what Wonshik said, Sophia's tears started streaming down her face unknowingly,"Wonshik..." All Sophia could do was to hug Wonshik as she was still traumatised by the incident as it happened too fast...

/Outside the school/

When Wonshik brought Sophia to see the other members, Hongbin started to tease Wonshik,"Wonshik ahh, a girlfriend?" All these conversation were cut when Jaehwan, which was also known as Ken of VIXX replied," What a small world! We met at the concert yesterday. Today in school?" Hakyeon started scolding his group like how a mother would scold her kids," Quit fooling around guys!! We transferred here because Wonshik kept pestering us to be in your school so that he could see you everyday. So, we have met for lunch. Sophia, do you want to join, or do you want to go on a date with Wonshik?" Hakyeon asked Sophia. Before Sophia could even reply, Hakyeon continued,"Oh i guess it's the latter! See you later Wonshikkie!~" Next, Hakyeon dragged all of his members away one by one except for Wonshik. Like that, Wonshik and Sophia were left alone behind to go for date. Both of them smiled at each other shyly...

(Author's note)

Hi guys~ so it's me again and hope you liked this chapter too:) Although i have just started writing and posting my fan fictions on wattpad, i'm really thankful for the people that read my story or is reading my story now:) For those of you that know me personally, some of you might have seen the fanfics i wrote and given good comments about it. I really thank yall for the comments hehe:) I will work very hard for the future chapters and fics that i have:) Thank you for your support~ Question: Which VIXX era was your favourite? For me, i can't choose between some of my favourite eras so i will just name a few~ They are Eternity, Zelos and Hades:)

Please comment below if you have any feedback:)

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