Thank you for Being Born

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/The nearby cafe to school/

"Denise, are you reaching yet?" Taekwoon gave Denise a call. "Right behind you." Denise answered into her phone. As Taekwoon stood up and looked behind, he saw a smiling Denise. She was wearing a blue and white striped top, together with black pants and white shoes. Holding a laptop, she made her way to the seat opposite Taekwoon.

As Denise started up her laptop, Taekwoon asked,"Any drinks for you?" "It's okay! I can buy it on my own." Denise certainly did not want to trouble Taekwoon. Taekwoon insisted on buying Denise drinks even though she kept denying. "Okay, a vanilla latte then, if you insist." Denise replied. She already felt bad for asking Taekwoon for help in her school-work and now helping her buy a drink? No, that was troubling him way too much.

As Denise took the same course as Taekwoon, Taekwoon was considered her senior and therefore, he did not have much problem with coaching Denise in her studies. 'I should've just asked Taekwoon oppa to send me a video on how to do it. Oh no... now i'm in this mess and it's going to be so awkward!" Denise mentally screamed. "A penny for your thoughts?" Taekwoon came over to the table with their drinks. "No... it's nothing. Let's just start." Denise replied, logging into her laptop.

As soon as Denise opened up the software in her laptop, she slided the laptop to face Taekwoon. "Urmm... found it! Taekwoon oppa,can i ask you something?" Denise asked in a haste, not wanting to face Taekwoon as her face turned beet red out of embarassment. "Shoot." Taekwoon simply said. " you enlarge the diameter of the tubes?" Denise continued, still looking down as she did not want Taekwoon to laugh at her for not knowing how to do something as simple as enlarging the diameter of her shapes.

Denise began to blame herself for not focusing and listening in class. She should not have slept in class because knowing how to enlarge and minimize diagrams were basic skills that every design student needed to know. It was really embarassing of her to ask a fellow senior to solve such a small problem, at least that was what she thought. Feeling tense, Denise took a sip of her vanilla latte.

Instead of laughing at Denise, Taekwoon leaned closer to her. "Come, let me show you." Taekwoon said in a soft voice. Sitting closer to Denise, Taekwoon placed his hand over Denise's hand, which was still on the mouse. This action caught Denise by surprise and she tried to supress it by keeping quiet.

Denise's POV

What? Did Taekwoon just put his hand on mine? His hand is so big and warm! I managed to stifle a scream coming out of my mouth. I certainly do not want to attract any attention to myself or Taekwoon as it might make me seem like a crazy fangirl. Taekwoon is an idol, remember?

As he leaned in closer to me and placed his hand on my hand which was on the mouse, he started moving the mouse together with my hand. He started to drag something on the laptop using the mouse too. I suppose he was helping me solve the enlargement problem. As i looked up at the laptop screen, i was right. He was really helping me to solve it. After Taekwoon helped me with it, he slowly took off his hand. "See, it's as easy as that. Just drag and it will be done." I looked at him in embarassment and fiddled around with my fingers.

Taekwoon's POV

Did Denise get the hint? Maybe i scared her... After all, it was too sudden to become too close with her. She might even freak out. How am i going to let her know i like her? Should i pop the question? Does she feel the same way too? I think it's just me... Denise is too beautiful. At least to me, she is beautiful in my eyes. She always makes my heart flutter, just like the first time i met her in the cafe. Now, i feel that i really need to tell her how i feel about her.

I leaned closer to Denise and she blushed. That was really cute though. Finally, the moment came. "Denise, would you like to go out with me and be my girlfriend? I really like you." After that, i blushed a shade of tomato red and cupped my face in embarassment. Oh no, what did i just do? It's going to scare her!

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