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Ever since Sanghyuk transferred over to Sophia's school, Sophia's friend Aiza had a crush on him. Sanghyuk sat beside Aiza in class and they always had a peaceful relationship as classmates, with occasional bickering here and there. It always had to end up with Sanghyuk apologising to Aiza because Sanghyuk wanted to be a gentleman.

"Splat!" - This sound was always heard in class by everyone when Sanghyuk came into class late. The teachers always ignored him when that happened because they "gave up" on making him come early for class using different methods, be it talking it out calmly with him or scolding him. However, Sanghyuk escaped the fate of getting detention as the school did not give detention for being late, but they gave detention for not bringing a book for reading sessions. It is especially during those reading sessions that students who are late are being closely monitored in terms of whether they brought their books. Sanghyuk never brought his book anyways since he was never interested into diving in the so-called 'world of knowledge',as his teachers called it. He never understood how books can give people knowledge. After all, are they not just a bunch of books with words written on paper? Therefore, Sanghyuk has always managed to escape the watchful eyes of the different discipline teachers by reading his textbooks. Whenever a teacher walked past, he would pretend to think about the words inside the "book" he was reading, so that the teacher would not suspect him.

One of Sanghyuk's classmates, Iza was sitting behind him. Iza is a big fan of VIXX and that day after she went to the VIXX concert, she found out that Sanghyuk transferred over together with VIXX as a group into her school and surely, it was a wish come true.

Known widely for being the evil maknae of the group, VIXX, Sanghyuk was known for making trouble and is always up to mischief. He is always up to making pranks that can make people embarassed, evil ones.

On a fine, typical day morning, Sanghyuk played a prank on someone again by placing a full bucket of water on top of the door. That was already the fourth prank that he had played on somebody ever since he transferred over to Sophia's school. Of course, discipline cases were inevitable as he already had two that month.

Soon after, a teacher came into the classroom and that bucket of water Sanghyuk had put on top of the door splashed on him. "SPLASH!!" The merciless water poured on him, letting the bucket perfectly sit on top of the teacher's head. Sanghyuk and the rest of the class laughed really loud and when the teacher took off the bucket, his face was red with fury and Sanghyuk simply just shrugged his shoulders, giving him a face of innocence.

The class knew that things were getting serious when they saw how the teacher's facial expression changed. They stopped laughing and returned to their respective seats like how normal students would. "HAN SANGHYUK!!" shouted the teacher. "Oh no.. this isn't good... Hyukkie, apologise to the teacher quick!" Aiza whispered to her tablemate. Instead of apologising to the teacher, Sanghyuk did a surprising thing. "Let's go." Sanghyuk held Aiza's hand and ran off the classroom. "Wait what?!" Aiza replied. "STAY THERE YOU TWO!" the teacher screamed while giving chase to them...

/At the rooftop of the school/

Sanghyuk and Aiza were panting like crazy once they reached the rooftop. "Phew! Lucky we ran away from that teacher! I feel that this could be worth a month of me trying to work out and losing weight..." Aiza said in between breaths. Sanghyuk looked at Aiza and laughed,"That was fun, wasn't it? Catch your breath before you talk!" Aiza smiled and blushed. She had never thought that she would have time alone with Sanghyuk at all. Aiza wished that all of these could go on forever and she would never want to let go of any precious memories she is going to have with Sanghyuk.

The two of them sat down on the floor of the rooftop side by side and stared at the sky together. "Wow... it really feels good to be here Aiza!" Sanghyuk said in wonder. "Yes it is..." Aiza looked at the sky, mersmerised by its beauty. Both of them stayed like that through the gentle breeze that the wind was producing, blowing through their hair.

This time, Sanghyuk inched closer to Aiza and as Aiza noticed it, she asked,"Yes? What are you going to do?" Sanghyuk put a finger to his lips and signalled for Aiza to keep silent. Soon, Sanghyuk gave Aiza a forehead kiss and hugged her gently.

Shocked at the kiss that Sanghyuk gave her, Aiza might have guessed why it happened. "Do you... possibly love me?" Aiza asked. She was anticipating for a "yes" real badly and even if she did not get an answer, it was understandable. After all, Sanghyuk was an idol and idols were not supposed to have a girl or boyfriend because they needed to protect themselves from all the harm that the fans could bring and their own reputation.

Being a person that is not really good with words, Sanghyuk was startled at the sudden question that Aiza had asked. He did love Aiza, he loved her to the point that he would sacrifice anything for her. What could he have done for her then? He felt that he was not good with being glib in terms of words, like how his group leader Hakyeon and his fellow member Hongbin would. He felt that he could not emit off as much charisma and be cool-charactered like how his fellow groupmates Taekwoon and Wonshik would. He even felt that he could not do agyeo as convincing as Jaehwan in order to capture Aiza's heart. As much as Sanghyuk wanted a positive answer from Aiza, he wished that Aiza had never asked that question as he knew that he would not be able to give Aiza a sweet relationship that his fellow group members were capable of if they were in his position instead.

Nevertheless, Sanghyuk decided to give it a go no matter what. He decided to make his feelings known to Aiza by replying her with a question,"Why do you think i kissed your forehead and hugged you if i did not love you?" Aiza looked up at Sanghyuk and gave him a small smile,"I'm really glad you accepted me for who i am and my answer is... i love you..." Aiza cupped her face in embarassment and Sanghyuk chuckled. Like this, they stayed at the roof-top just staring at the sky for 1 hour.

(The next day)

Of course, Sanghyuk got into another discipline case again together with 6 hours of detention for skipping 1 hour of class and pranking a teacher. Aiza had to attend 1 hour of detention too because she skipped one hour of lessons too with Sanghyuk. Not a great start to a school day, is it? They had this 1 hour to thank for because it made them realise and know their feelings for one another...

(Author's note)

Hey fellow readers~ I'm back with another new chapter:) Thank you for waiting such a long time and i'm so sorry for the hiatus of one month+ that i was on! I hope you guys don't hate me because i will continue making better chapters:) I'm so sorry that my story is not a good one and it is very cliché too. I know that feeling of cringing because i cringed when i was reading it too😂 Rest assured because i have another 2 stories waiting to be published! So hope you guys will stay with me and bear with my not-so-good writing~ I included how Hyoggie might have felt during mydol times when he felt really inferior to the rest of the members because he did not have much training back then. So please give Hyoggie lots of love too because he had been working hard!:) Love you guys and see you in the next chapter!:)

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