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Denise was drinking coffee alone after school in a cafe. It was her favourite cafe to visit and she goes there almost every other day to get her coffee. It was a typical day and she would always study like how she would every time she got a cup of coffee there. Looking outside the window, she saw one of the VIXX members, Sanghyuk walking outside the cafe. Beside him was a tall, fair and muscular guy, which Denise believed was Taekwoon, the 2nd oldest member of VIXX.

The first time Denise looked at Taekwoon, she was already attracted to his body shape. The next moment, Sanghyuk waved goodbye to Taekwoon and Taekwoon himself walked into the cafe. Since the cafe was really crowded, Taekwoon could not find a seat after he bought his favourite latte. When Taekwoon scanned through the crowded cafe to look for seats, his eyes landed on Denise, who was diligently doing her homework.

As her table was empty with an extra seat, Taekwoon made his way over to where Denise was sitting and asked her in a soft voice," Hey miss, may i sit here?" Denise looked up to Taekwoon in shock and agreed immediately after scanning through the cafe. "It sure is crowded here..." Denise said unconsciously to the Taekwoon who was still drinking his latte. Taekwoon nodded and mouthed a little "mhm.. before plugging in his earpieces into his phone.

The beautiful features of Taekwoon, and his beautiful body shape. This time, Denise's heart skipped a beat. "What is this feeling? No.. Denise.. it must not be... no.. stop.. stop stop!" Denise was literally screaming in her mind. When Denise turned to look at Taekwoon's outfit again, she gasped," Isn't this my school's uniform? why didn't i see him in school at all?" As Taekwoon turned to Denise, Denise knew that what she said was too loud to be heard. So, she started to cup her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Looking at Denise being shy, Taekwoon knew straightaway that Denise wanted to ask him the same question as many others who have already bombarded him with that question. The reason as to why, he, as an idol would study in a normal school rather then a prestigious one. As if he knew what Denise really asked, Taekwoon replied," What is your name? Mine is Taekwoon. I transferred to this school about 1 week before and since i happened to see you in a cafe sitting alone, i came in to take a look. Oh, i heard that you're Sophia's friend too. By the way, the latte here is really good so you should try it."

Denise replied with a little nod although she was still shocked at the fact of Taekwoon, being the group's quietest member, talking to her with more then 1 sentence. After Taekwoon's voice fell, he continued to use his phone, leaving Denise still dumbfounded about how to initiate a conversation with him. This time, a memory came up in Denise's head, remembering about what Sophia told her. Sophia told her the names of the VIXX members and one of them was Leo, who was Taekwoon...


Christine's dad is the boss of an ice factory. Hongbin, who is the 5th member of VIXX, works part time in a bingsu shop on his free days to earn more money in order to support his family. This day, he was sent on an errand to get ice for the bingsu shop as the shop was running low on ice to continue its business.

(In the ice factory office)

"Dad! Why are you grounding me? I did not do anything wrong!" Christine shouted at her dad, who was already hopping mad. Christine's dad refuted back," Make sure that your grades are good enough before you come and talk to me about not getting grounded! Now, go back home and study. Don't try to test my patience." In a fit of pique, Christine ran into the freezer where the company keeps all their ice to prepare for delivery. It has always been the place where Christine turned to whenever she was feeling really down since she was young.


Hongbin got down from the bicycle he was on and headed towards the large freezer in order to collect the crushed ice. When Hongbin stepped into the freezer, he sighed and got down to work. Hongbin carried 2 packets of ice and headed for the exit of the freezer.

Out of the blue, the freezer door closed shut, leaving a scared Christine and a helpless Hongbin to fend for themselves. Christine ran to the freezer door and tried to open it, but to no avail.

Christine then cried out of desperation to get out of the freezer, even if it meant her dad keeping her inside her room forever. She would rather get stuck in her own room rather then a cold place full of ice, giving her the feeling of isolation. Hongbin, who was still shocked at the situation saw Christine stuck together in the freezer with him too.

"Great, at least i am not alone. Wait.. isn't that Christine, the fansite master?" Hongbin thought. This time, Christine caught Hongbin looking at her and with a look of sadness and said,"Look, we do not have any choice now and we can't get out of here."

(After 30 minutes)

Both Christine and Hongbin sat on the ground of the large freezer, waiting for somebody to rescue them. Christine was feeling really cold to the point that she might faint of coldness anytime. So, Hongbin took out his sweater and put it over Christine. She could feel Hongbin's body warmth as well as a faint sweet smelling cologne coming from the jacket.

Luckily, Hongbin had another jacket with him, so there was definitely not a need for him to worry about being cold at all. Christine cried and leaned her head on Hongbin's shoulders , while Hongbin put his hands over Christine to warm her up while telling her that everything was going to be alright. Like this, the both of them huddled together for the next hour.

(1 Hour later)

Hongbin looked like he was really rushed for time as he looked at his watch anxiously," I need to rush to my practice! " He was scared that Hakyeon would scold him for being late.

"Let me call my dad," Christine replied," He is the owner of this company and he will send someone to open the door. OKAY GOOD. THERE IS SIGNAL HERE.. GREAT!" Christine said while using her phone to dial her father's number excitedly. The moment the phone call was picked up and cut off, someone came to open the door with a key. "GREAT! WE ARE GETTING OUTTA HERE.." Christine said excitedly.

Hongbin got the packets of ice from the freezer and wheeled them out, walking out of the freezer together with Christine. Hongbin looked at Christine," I like your outgoing personality. Keep it like that, fansite master. That's because i'm starting to like you a lot." Christine replied,"Hey, please do not call me that. I have a name too and it is Christine! and, sure cringey bean, if you want to woo me, you gotta woo me real hard." Hongbin liked the challenge and replied with guts," Sure, it is on then!"

(At practice)

"Yah Lee Hongbin, why are you late? Please explain yourself." Hakyeon said to a Hongbin in a pretty stern way. Hongbin smiled to himself and said,"I just met a very important person in my life.. Talking about why i was late, i was doing my part-timer job and got trapped in the freezer!"

Everybody else laughed with the exception of the stern leader. He replied,"Please do not be late anymore. I'm warning you that this is the 3rd time in the month that you're late!" Hongbin said in a tone of defeat,"Sure i won't."

"You are my fantasy, just, my fantasy..." and the song started to play...

(Author's note)

Hi guys, i'm back again~ i hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter:) The process of writing this chapter was a treacherous one i would say, because i had a hard time trying to change some parts which was different from my original one which i wrote in Whatsapp :) However, i will still keep trying my best to bring good chapters to you guys and do my best~ Signing off and remember to stay tuned to the next chapter!:)

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