Annoyed or Blessed?

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Ken or Lee Jaehwan? Which is the real one? Being the cute, main vocalist of VIXX, Jaehwan tries to be charismatic, cool and handsome on stage as Ken. Off-stage, Jaehwan's character changes 360 degrees. Once he gets off the stage, he starts doing agyeos and blowing kisses to starlights before he goes up into the van together with the rest of VIXX to get back into their dorms. This is a story, a chapter about Jaehwan and how he found his 'Miss Right'.

Jaehwan's class consists of Jasmeet and Hyuna, as we read about them in chapter 3. One particular day, the teacher decided to change the class's seating arrangement because their grades were not up to his standard. He suspected that it was because of the seating arrangement. "Good morning class, please move outside the class together with your bags now and when i call your names, come in. That person will be your table-mate for the rest of the year." Mr Oh, their form-teacher said.

(About what seemed like an eternity later)

"Jasmeet and Hyuna!" Mr Oh called out. Now, there is only Ellie and Jaehwan left. Before Jasmeet went into the classroom, he whispered to Ellie,"Good luck!" This was because Jasmeet was Jaehwan's previous tablemate and he certainly did not have a good experience with Jaehwan trying to annoy the hell out of him. Ellie sighed at the fate she was going to face together with Jaehwan for the rest of the year. "As for you guys, please sit on the remaining 2 seats left." Mr Oh motioned to them before stepping into the classroom.

"Alright class, please turn to page 126 of your art history textbooks. Take out your notebooks too." Mr Oh's voice sounded clearly throughout the whole classroom. Through the whole lesson, Jaehwan kept trying to talk to Ellie even though he knew that Ellie was busy recording down important notes. After all, Jaehwan could never live through boring art history lessons at all. He never wanted to go to detention like his younger member Sanghyuk did because he slept in class.

There was an instance : "Psst! ELLIE!!!" Jaehwan whispered softly while trying to make it louder, well you get the idea. Ellie found it annoying but she replied to Jaehwan anyways. "Yes, Jaehwan?" Ellie questioned softly. "Miss Ellie, may i know what was so entertaining you actually turned your attention to Mr Jaehwan over there?" Mr Oh seemed to have heard what Ellie said and Ellie tried to fib through,"Oh... oh nothing... just discussing over the previous Leonardo Da Vinci part you were talking about!" Lying was not what Ellie wanted to do but the usual sharp-minded Mr Oh believed the small lie anyway. Mr Oh nodded and continued his lesson. Ellie glared at Jaehwan and Jaehwan scratched his head, smiling sheepishly...

(Time skip)

Through many lessons, Jaehwan kept talking to Ellie and the more he did that, the more Ellie felt comfortable. She did not know why as she was supposed to feel pissed off and snap at him instead like what Jasmeet did when he was Jaehwan's tablemate. However, Ellie could not find a reason to, because Jaehwan was such a kind and cute person even though he might be quite annoying sometimes. "Thump..." went Ellie's heart. "No please tell me this is not happening! I'm not falling for him am i?" Ellie thought, looking at Jaehwan several times before turning back to complete her artwork.

"I love you Ellie..." Jaehwan suddenly blurt out one day during a drawing class. Instead of feeling relieved that Jaehwan liked her, Ellie was startled. She simply could not believe her ears. Jaehwan continued,"I know that i am annoying and I do not expect you to accept me immediately..." Looking at Jaehwan who said that in a small voice, all Ellie wanted to tell him was "No! I love you too and i would love to accept it right now. Please do not feel that you are not worthy..." However, Ellie could not find the courage to speak up. She wanted to, but the moment she wanted to say something, something held her back...

In the next few weeks, Jaehwan and Ellie grew closer as tablemates, to the point that Jaehwan and Ellie would meet up in the morning and have breakfast together. They even went for lunch and dinner together sometimes. Inevitably, rumours started to spread around the whole class that Ellie and Jaehwan were dating. Some girls would often walk past Ellie and give her jealous looks whenever she was with Jaehwan and some guys would tease Jaehwan about when Ellie and him were going into a relationship. However, that did not stop Jaehwan and Ellie from being close to one another and instead, they grew closer despite all the rumours people were spreading behind them because Jaehwan was simply VIXX's cute main vocal Ken and he could never shake off that title.

Luckily for Jaehwan, these rumours did not go outside of his class as his classmates found no point to spread it. Even if they did, they knew that it would spoil Jaehwan's reputation. Therefore, no one dared to spread it outside the class at all, for fear that it would bring uneccessary attention to the school. No one would want to bring the media into the school and wreck their lives, would they

Jaehwan often brought breakfast for Ellie and Ellie did the same too. Seeing Ellie eat well made Jaehwan feel full and contented.

Finally it was another day when they were allowed to have lunch together. Both of them went through their daily routine of getting food from the canteen and finding seats together. They met the other VIXX boys and Jaehwan preferred to sit alone with Ellie instead. Thus, the rest of VIXX said goodbye to Jaehwan and teased Jaehwan about it silently. Jaehwan smiled at how childish his groupmates were being.

"Oh, Ellie! Wait.. you have something on your face." Jaehwan said as Ellie's face was stuck with food. Saying that, Jaehwan took out a piece of tissue and wiped off the food from Ellie's cheek. Ellie's cheek blushed a light shade of red and she felt that she was in total bliss. Ellie felt really loved by Jaehwan and she declared," I have made up my mind about the question you asked me that day during drawing lesson."

Jaehwan looked at Ellie, feeling puzzled. As soon as he looked at her again, he remembered about his question to Atikah about being his girlfriend and hope flashed across Jaehwan's face again. "You said you would always wait for me right?" Ellie asked. "Yes, I still love you a lot and the fact is I love you to the moon and back. My heart has only you."

Listening to this, Ellie's heart melted. She finally replied," I love you too. I will give you an answer, and that is you are my favourite colour." Jaehwan got the hint that Ellie was accepting him as her boyfriend and he was definitely excited. Jaehwan fist-pumped the air and shouted,"YAYYYYY ELLIE ACCEPTED ME!!" Jaehwan was behaving like a little child and Ellie could not help but to let out a slight chuckle. She even had to calm Jaehwan down afterwards as the other students were looking at him like he was some sort of lunatic...

From then on, the love story of Jaehwan and Ellie started. Their very own story that they created...

(Author's note)

Hey guys!:) I'm back with another chapter hehe~ I'm sorry because this chapter is a bit too dry and boring. There would be more interesting chapters so do not worry! Love yall <3 Thanks for reading this chapter!☆

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