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While Sophia and Wonshik were enjoying their date, Jaehwan, who was also known as Ken, had his afternoon classes. Quite a tragic way to end a school day, right?

/In Class/

While everybody was busy trying to copy the art history notes down in class at neck-breaking speed, one of the boys was looking at Hyuna , the school's most popular girl. Known for her beauty, many guys in the school tried to woo and chase her, only to find out that they have been turned down. Hyuna was sitting in the middle of the class, diligently penning down her notes onto a small notebook. The notebook that Hyuna was using was from one of Jaehwan's classmate, Jasmeet. It was given to Hyuna on her birthday and he already had a crush on Hyuna for a very long time, ever since the both of them stepped into the same class 3 years ago.

"Wow, you're so persevering Jas, trying to chase Hyuna for 3 years. You never give up, do you?" Jaehwan, who was sitting beside Jasmeet asked. Looking at the Jasmeet who had been quiet for really long and did not reply him, Jaehwan thought that Jasmeet had just been feeling under the blues. So, Jaehwan tried to cheer Jasmeet up by telling him jokes and laughing at his own jokes to make Jasmeet laugh.

However, nothing worked and still, Jasmeet did not laugh or reply. Jaehwan sat back and pouted, thinking of ways to make Jasmeet happy. What Jasmeet did not know was, Hyuna too, had a crush on him ever since 1 year ago. It totally explained why Hyuna used the notebook which Jasmeet had given to her. Trying to keep her crush on Jasmeet as a secret, Hyuna kept her feelings to herself to the point that not even a bosom friend of hers knew about it.

(After the lesson)

Since Hyuna and Jasmeet were walking the same way home, Jasmeet would always be behind Hyuna, trying to protect her from any harm.

Out of the blue, two men started to attack Hyuna from behind and tried to get fresh with her too. When Jasmeet saw what had happened, he went up to punch one of the men. The other man got fed up with Jasmeet meddling into their affairs and thus, he pulled out a sharp, shiny knife. Those men were armed!

The man took the knife and stabbed it straight into Jasmeet's stomach. Jasmeet groaned in pain and blood started gushing out of his wounded stomach.Being helpless, Hyuna went up to hug Jasmeet. Streaks of tears started streaming down her face and the next moment, Jasmeet fell into a world of pure darkness as he fainted.

(In the hospital)

Jasmeet opened his eyes and soon got greeted by a bright light directly shining into his face. He squinted and tried to open his eyes. Soon, he woke up to Hyuna beside his bed, looking worried. This time, when Hyuna caught notice of Jasmeet waking up, pearls of tears started streaming down her face like a waterfall. She put herself into Jasmeet's arms and asked,"Are you okay? I shouldn't have left you to walk alone behind me... I'm so sorry... Why are you so foolish... I don't know what to do without you and i will probably not survive without you. I love you Jasmeet, i really do..."

Moved at the words Hyuna said, Jasmeet hugged Hyuna even tighter," I love you too Hyuna.. Remember the day when we both came into the same class? That was when i totally fell for you."...

(Author's note)

Hi guys:) I'm sorry for the really short chapter:( School has been getting tougher and tougher for me nowadays, with more commitments too. Therefore, i won't be able to update here as often as i can. But i will still try to post at least one chapter per week:) No worries~ Before i forget, today is HYOGGIE DAY!:) Happy birthday to Hyoggie hehe~ This fluff is finally 22 :') /wipes tears/ YES AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YEONNIE TOO @.@ Although he's 27 already, he will always be the cute fluff and responsible leader-nim in our hearts:)

Question: Which is your VIXX ship? I ship everyone in VIXX hehe:) But my main ship is still NAVI~

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