You're my hero

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The song of the chapter is- Shot me down by Skylar Grey ft David Guetta. 🎶


When I heard the bang I immediately closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to come.

But it didn't.

I looked up and saw Dave falling on the ground and behind him stood Cameron.

He saved us.

I quickly walked over to him and gave him a huge hug. He stroked my hair, telling me Dave won't hurt me any more.

He's right.

I'm finally safe.

We pulled away and I walked over to Nash and Hayes..

They looked terrified of what they saw.

Cameron actually shot him.

He's dead.

But what are we gonna do with the dead body?

I gave them both a group hug and we talked.

Cameron came over and just stared at me and Nash.

Does he think we're dating?

"Um, Cameron, why did you have the gun in the first place?" I asked

Cameron's POV


"Cameron, you're free to go now." The nurse said

I smiled at her and stood up. I walked out of the hospital and speed jogged to my car. I started the engine and drove directly to Nash's house.

Anna is there.

I need to get her back.

I miss her so bad.

As soon as I arrived, I immediately spotted something wrong.

I know that car.


I walked over to it and opened the door. I spotted a gun and grabbed it. I ran to the door and pretty much kicked it open. I saw Dave standing there smirking, with a gun pointing at Anna. I just followed my instincts and shot him down.

~end of flashback~

I told her the story and she started crying into my chest.

God I missed her so much.

"Wanna come to my house?" I whispered in her ear.

"Okay" she replied

I told Nash where we were going and he had a furious look in his eyes.

I just ignored it and drove.

We arrived soon enough and I opened the door for her. I unlocked the door and we walked in.

I walked over to her and kissed her gently. She immediately kissed back without hesitation.
I pulled away and hugged her tight.

"I missed you so much" I nearly cried into her shoulder.

"I missed you too Cam" she smiled and kissed my nose.

For the rest of the day we just cuddled on the sofa and watched Netflix.

I need to get her back.

Anna's POV


I woke up and smiled. Cameron had his arms around me and I was snuggled into his chest.

I missed him.

He's the one.

Not Nash.

Not Hayes.

It's Cameron.

I love him.

Cameron slowly opened his eyes and looked down at me. He smiled at me and stared into my eyes.

"Anna, I know I missed up and so, so, so, sorry about that. While I was at the hospital, I realised that you were the one. Will you do the honour of being my girlfriend again?" He asked still staring into my eyes

I kissed his lips gently and nodded.

It's amazing how we met. I chose his table to sit at. If I didn't I might of never met him.

I need to thank Starbucks.

"You wanna go grab a Starbucks?" He asked smirking

"It's like you can read my mind" I smirked back and nodded

"But I have nothing to wear" I said

"Don't worry, I still have some of your clothes" he grabbed my hand and walked me upstairs.

"Why are my pyjamas on your pillow?" I asked, confused

"This might sound stupid but I slept on your pjs every night since you left because I missed you so much" he looked down embarrassed

"That's so sweet" I smiled and kissed him.

~skipping Starbucks~

We came back home and just cuddled together.

"I love you" he said staring into my eyes and kissing me gently.

"I love you too" I replied smiling like an idiot.




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