it's hard to forget something horrible.

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Anna's POV

I woke up snuggled in Cameron's chest, then the memories came flying back.
After 4 hours of me screaming and shouting in the trunk of a car, the car finally stopped.. I saw the light slowly creeping in, that's when I realised that the trunk was now wide open. The bright sun light burned my eyes because I've been in the dark for so long. I felt a bit nauseous and dizzy when I attempted to stand up. I couldn't because I was too weak to do anything and the guy wouldn't let me stand up either. We was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn't see who it really was. The guy picked me up nearly dropping me on the ground and threw me over his shoulder. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth nearly suffocating me. He unlocked the door and locked it again when we went in. He dropped me on the hard wooden floor, not even caring that I might off been hurt. I attempted to stand up but my legs were to weak. They we're numb and felt like jelly because I was lying there for so long. The thing is, I wasn't just lying still, my legs were kinda all over the place because they were too long to fit in. You know when you wake up in a really awkward position and then your body feels all weird and numb? Well this is what I was feeling like, squashed in that dirty trunk.
He ran up to me and slapped me hard, making me collapse and hit my head really hard off the wooden floor.
He slapped me again and again and again. The blood was pouring down my face and I felt lifeless. Like he sucked all of my life out. Is this it? Am I going to die? All these bad thoughts were just running through my head, making me feel even worse..
"WHO ARE YOU?" I managed to whisper, loud enough for him to hear.

"TAKE A GUESS ANNA" he smirked

"How do-" before I could finish my sentence, he took off his sunglasses revealing his eyes and his whole face. That face was way too familiar. That face made me depressed. It made me scared. Confused, alone and so much more. It was him. Dave.
"Surprise" Dave smirked

"You never saw this coming did you? Oh so you thought that your parents just died in a horrible accident?! It wasn't an accident.. I was in that truck. I was the one that crashed into them. I managed to run away before anyone could see me. " he shouted out

My heart dropped. It was him. It was him that killed my parents. Am I next? I felt so lifeless and alone.

"STAND UP" he shouted

I tried to but I couldn't even lift my butt up.

"I SAID STAND UP" he shouted even louder causing me to flinch

I tried but I just couldn't. He lifted me to by my hair and dragged me into the kitchen. I screamed and kicked. He took out a kitchen knife out and put it against my skin. He started cutting my arms, going higher and higher each time. He took the knife and put it against the skin of my neck.
I cried because of all the pain.

"No, no please, don't" I cried

He stopped and smirked. He put me over his shoulder again and walked upstairs. He walked me to a big room with a kingsize bed. He threw me on the bed and started taking my clothes off. I screamed and tried to take his hand off of me but he just kept going.
I was pretty much naked in seconds.. I didn't know what to do. I got away last time but will I today? What if he does- I let the bad thoughts go away and I just layer there thinking off a plan.. I looked around and there's nothing that could help me. There's a empty glass bottle.. Actually, that could help a lot. As I was reaching out for the bottle he slapped me again. I let out a loud scream, then I heard someone run in. I looked at the person and it was Cameron.. Thank god. It felt like all the weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I felt safer. Cameron quickly ran up to Dave and punched him hard. He then quick ran to me and started puttingy my clothes back on. He picked me up and ran out to the car. He put me down on the car seat, then got a blanket and put it on me. He sorted my seat out making
it more comfy then started to drive.

Wow thanks for all the reads.. I never expected sooooo many haha:)

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