3- Battlefield

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     Currently, I'm sitting in the back of a slug bug with probably the most wanted assassin in the world. Along with Sam Wilson sitting passenger. My legs are cramped behind the seat, with Bucky sitting on the other side. Plenty of leg room. 

     "Can you move your seat up?" I asked leaning forward. 

     "No," he replied. 

     "Move it up or I'll move you out of the car and take the seat myself." Sam sighed, reaching under the seat and pulling the lever. He moved the seat forward, making me lean back and cross my arms. We all watched Steve and this woman kiss. A smile formed on Bucky's face, and I'm pretty sure Sam smiled too. Why did I agree to this? 

     Steve looked over, seeing Bucky and Sam nodding and smiling at him approvingly. He rolled his eyes, grabbing the gear and walking back to the car. I can already tell that this is going to be a pretty long day. And I for sure missed my Spanish quiz. 


     Vanishing out of the car was priority number one once Steve parked. It didn't scare them at all, but it sure made Bucky look at me pretty confused once he got out. 

     "Don't ask," I said, opening the trunk for them. I grab my mask that only covers my eyes, but let's my ponytail hang out in a hole. The van next to us opens and several people start getting out. 

     "Cap." I look over, seeing Clint Barton walking towards Steve with one of the Maximoff twins behind him. Seeing as Pietro died, it's Wanda. From that point, I tuned out the conversation, it was pointless. Clint had let out the other new recruit, making me look over. Eh, he seems good enough. Depends on what he can do. 

     "And who's the other recruit?" I turn my head, looking over at Clint. 

     "They call her Vanish," Steve said. I roll my eyes, groaning. 

     "So lame," I muttered, slamming the trunk. "I'm Allison."  

     "We should get moving," Bucky said from behind everyone. 

     "We got a chopper lined up," Clint said making Steve nod. A man comes over the comm making us all look up. 

     "They're evacuating the airport," Bucky informed us.

     "Stark," Sam said turning. 

     "Stark?" Scott and I asked at the same time. 

     "Suit up. Allison, I need you close by in case Tony has any tricks up his sleeve," Steve said. I nodded, putting my mask on. 

     "Got it, Cap," I said. This should be fun. 


     From where I am standing, I notice that Steve is talking to Tony Stark, whom I saw yesterday. That can't be a coincidence. Oh well, I'll brush it off. Out of nowhere, Spider-Man, my actual best friend, swings into action. He takes Steve's shield and ties his hands together. After a bit more of talking, Steve calls me out. 


     "I'm on it." I teleport behind Spider-Man, grabbing the shield and punching him off the forklift. I teleport back to Steve, cutting the web with his shield. He shakes his hands out, grabbing the shield from me.

     "Go help Bucky and Sam, I'll keep Scott here," Steve said nodding at me. I nod, teleporting to the terminal where they were. They look at me, stopping. Big mistake. 

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