19- Finally

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      The room waited impatiently as Isaac and Allison were still in the confined room. It seemed like her parents were the most nervous, but it was really Tony. He was blaming himself for this whole fiasco. He had dragged in two kids that didn't need to be pulled into this life. Now here they are. 

     Meanwhile, Allison sat on the bed in front of Isaac. He had gotten rid of the fake past, very slowly. Taking it all away at once would be damaging, but doing everything at once would throw her into a coma, this had to be done in a process. 

     "Alright, what's the last thing you remember?" Isaac asked. He had begun restoring her memories from the warehouse, and a few years after that. 

     "Escaping. Leaving Martin and the whole warehouse," Allison responded with a slight nod. Isaac nodded, placing a hand on her head. She shut her eyes as she remember a few more years of memories. Meaningless ones up until one important memory. 

     "And now?" 

     "My parents. They adopted me, now I live in Queens. I've already made a friend, her name is Abigail," Allison responded with a slight nod. Isaac nodded, tapping her head again. It skipped a few years ahead to something crucial. "Now, I remember everything up until my mother leaving. Or, getting kidnapped, I guess." 

     "This is good, we're almost to modern day. Once we reach your fifteenth birthday, then I can restore the past year," Isaac responded. Allison nodded, thinking of all the memories she had by now. It was like her mind had been shattered into a million pieces. She wanted everything back. This horrible life. "Tell me what you remember." 

     "My first mistake as Vanish," she mumbled. "I was trying to save a family from a fire, but quickly learned that fire weakens me. I couldn't save everyone. T-This little girl-" Allison stopped, choking on her words. She held back her tears, shaking her head. "She died." Isaac frowned, but continued with his process. 

     "This memory is crucial, I can feel it. What is it?" Isaac asked. Allison smiled at the memory, shaking her head. 

     "It was when I first met Peter. Officially. And not just admiring him from the other side of the room. I got to talk to him, and learn about his life," Allison answered with a smile. Isaac nodded, realizing they were at her fifteenth birthday. 

     "Okay, Allison. We're at the final step. Are you sure that you want to have the rest back?" he asked leaning forward. Allison nodded, taking a deep breath. 

     "Do it," she answered. Isaac placed a hand on her head, Allison remembering all of her life. From the moment the found the rose in the library, met Captain America (and fought alongside him), finding out Peter was Spider-Man, losing all her memories, finding her mom, saving all the kids, this fake life, and now. Now, she was fully powered. She was herself again. Allison Williams is back. 


     The group looked over when the door opened. Isaac walked out first, his hands still folded in front of him. Allison walked out behind him, taking in all the people around her. She knew all of them, and was more than happy to know who they were. She went to her parents first, hugging both of them tightly. 

     "I missed you so much," Allison whispered as they both held her in their arms. 

     "We missed you too," her dad said. Allison let go, then stepped back. She looked at Tony who was standing there silently. Relief was written all over his face, and he couldn't think of a more stressful time in his life. Besides Afghanistan. Allison walked up to him, Tony looking at her.

     "Is this the part where I say good job and send you on your way?" Tony asked trying to keep calm. Allison rolled her eyes, holding a hand out. Tony took it, pulling Allison into a hug. She smiled, wrapping her arms around him as well. "You did good, kid." 

     "Thank you, Mister Stark," Allison responded. She stepped back, turning and walking to her family again. She took her gaze to Peter who had a slight smile on her face. Allison walked forward, wrapping her arms around him. "So, we made it." 

     "We did," Peter laughed slightly. They both stepped back, exchanging glances. 

     "Alright, I need to go home. I haven't slept in days," Allison said. Everyone laughed slightly as Allison stood next to her parents. It was finally over. For now. 

2 Month's Later. 

     Allison walked into her Spanish class with Abby right behind her, and Megan. School had just started again, and Abby kept asking about what had happened to Allison. If she was okay, and if she was going to keep going around the city as Vanish. 

     "Look, Abby. All I can say is that I remember everything. We've got to give this time," Allison responded setting her books down. 

     "And who are all the new kids?" Abby asked. Megan and Allison exchanged a glance, smiles on their faces. 

     "The best people you'll ever meet," Megan answered with a smile. Abby nodded, watching as Isaac and Jackson walked past their table to the one in the back. 

     "My eyes are on Jackson. Obviously, Allison you have Peter. Megan, wanna claim anyone?" Abby asked. Megan shrugged, shaking her head. 

     "I'll probably just stick to school," Megan answered opening her notebook. Allison was going to speak when a pair of lips met hers. She smiled as they let go, her eyes meeting with Peter's. 

     "You know where to meet?" he asked beginning to walk to his table. 

     "How could I forget?" she asked watching him walk away. Peter punched his hands together, smiling at her. She looked forward again, going to her notes. 

     "Ooh," Megan and Abby cooed at the same time. Allison shook her head as she laughed, writing down the homework assignment. 

     "You two are five year olds," she stated with a slight smile. 

     "And you need to not grow up too fast," Abby said pulling open her spiral. 

     "Hey, one of us has to do it," Allison responded. 

     "Says the girl who's going to stay in love with Peter Parker her whole life and fight crime in Queens, New York," Megan said rolling her eyes. Allison glared at her, motioning for her to keep her voice down.  

     "Alright class, let's begin!" 


it's almost over oh my gersh :(((((
it's okay. there's a sequel. 

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