18- Home

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     Tony groaned as he sat in the room with Isaac and Jackson in front of him. They had been arguing for ten minutes now over the stupidest things, and Happy had left. He was going to help Vision with the kids, hoping to not do anything stupid. 

     "That's it!" Jackson yelled. He punched Isaac square in the face, Tony look up immediately. Isaac held his head, falling in pain. Jackson sat back on the bed, angered from the argument. Isaac stumbled back up, clutching his head. He finally looked up, Tony somewhat worried about him. 

     "Oh no," Isaac mumbled. Tony looked at him as he stood up straight. Isaac turned to Jackson, placing a hand on his head. In that moment, Jackson knew where he sent Allison and Peter. 

     "Mr. Stark, I know where they are," Jackson smiled. Tony looked at him, clapping his hands together. 

     "Then let's get them back here," Tony said grabbing Jackson's shoulders. 

     "We're going to need to head to the compound. More space is needed," Jackson said. Tony agreed happily, ushering the two out of the hospital. 


     Allison walked up behind Peter slowly. He wanted his Allison back, he wanted his life back. He didn't like this world, and he didn't like this fake Allison. He wanted the real Aunt May, Ned, Mr. Stark, all of it. Most of all he wanted Allison back. 

     "Peter?" Allison asked stepping forward again. He turned around, breathing in sharply. 

     "In this hallway, I gave you a rose," he said with a nod. "You told me that you would take it when you wanted it. A few days later we were fighting each other alongside the Avengers. Then, we came back to that apartment knowing our secret identities. You're Vanish and I'm Spider-Man. And I need you to remember who you really are, Allison. Please. I need you to remember. I need you to know that I love you." Tears streamed down Peter's cheeks as he didn't know what else to do. This was a last resort. 

     Allison opened her mouth to talk, but something happened above them. A hole in the ceiling opened, making Peter smile. He held up a hand to Allison, running downstairs. He grabbed his suit and phone, climbing up the building. He crawled in the window to see Allison staring at the hole. 

     "What is that?" she asked with fear dripping from her voice. 

     "It's our way home," Peter smiled. He took Allison's hand, jumping up and pulling her through the portal. 


     Allison landed on the dirt, Peter landing right next to her. He looked around, not knowing where they were. He then took in the familiar surroundings. It was Philly. Where the HYDRA warehouse was. Allison groaned, beginning to stand up. 

     "What is going on?" she asked for the first time. 

     "It's okay, you're fine," Peter reassured her to enlighten the situation. He pulled out his phone, sending a text to Tony that they were near the warehouse. He then turned to see Allison looking around. 

     "What is happening? Where did you take me?!" Allison screamed. Peter panicked, trying to calm her down and failing. "You're going to kill me aren't you?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows, then shook his head. 

     "I'm trying to help you, Allison. Just trust me," Peter said extending a hand to her. She looked at it, shaking her head. Peter sighed, looking at the ground. "Fine." He pulled out his webs, shooting them at her hands. They became webbed together, Allison not being able to move them. "It's so you won't run." 

     "Please, just let me go home," Allison pleaded with a frown on her face. Peter had enough of seeing her in pain. He turned, placing his lips against hers. Allison was caught off guard, but went with it. Seconds later, Peter stepped back. 

     "We need to wait here until Mr. Stark comes. Then we're leaving," Peter said with a nod. He sat down, fiddling with his fingers. Allison was stunned from the kiss, not knowing what to say. Many different things were going through her mind. Like why did it feel so familiar to her? She knew this Peter, and more than a friend. 


     Tony fidgeted with the watch on his wrist and he was waiting impatiently for Happy's security car to pull up. He had gotten a call that they found Allison, and Peter. He had been comforting May, Allison's father Robert, and her mother Mary. Every single one of the guardians were terrified.

     Time hadn't stopped for them. Everything was very much real, and Tony had a bad feeling with each passing second. He checked the time on the watch, reading 4:00. Aunt May was pacing behind him like a nervous wreck. While Robert and Mary just held each other in their arms. 

     Tony hadn't told them everything of course. He just told them he took the two on a little field trip to Philly for business, and they all got jumped by old HYDRA agents. He left out the detail that Allison's memory has been wiped and that the two teenagers are superheroes. 

     The rumble of a car pulled up to the house, Tony looking over quickly. He saw Peter get out, but he didn't have his suit on. It relieved Tony a bit, and Allison wasn't wearing her suit either. Tony let out a sigh of content, relieved the two were okay. He would've blamed himself for their harm if they had gotten hurt. 

     The teenagers walked in through the door, their guardians looking over. May immediately ran to Peter, embracing him. Allison stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. She still had this fake past in her mind, and didn't know who these people were. 

     "Allison, honey," her dad said stepping forward. "Do you remember us?" Allison looked over at the two, opening her mouth to speak. She looked at Peter who was still in May's embrace. Tony walked up behind her parents, Allison stepping back slightly. 

     "Look, I don't want any trouble. Just let me go home," Allison said folding her arms over her chest. Tony frowned, taking his gaze to her parents. 

     "Obviously she's still facing memory loss from the fire, and HYDRA could've done anything," Tony said trying to cover up the fact that she didn't actually know any of them. 

     "I can help with that." They all looked over to see Isaac standing in the doorway. "I'll need to speak with her in private though. It's the only way I can return what was lost in her mind." Mary immediately agreed, Allison's eyes widening. 

     "I'm confused," she mumbled as Isaac walked toward her. 

     "It's okay, this won't hurt. Not a lot," he said folding his hands over his hips. Allison looked around the room to see everyone staring at the two. It was like they were waiting for her okay on the subject. She frowned when she saw Peter standing with May. Both of them had tears in their eyes. 

     "Okay," Allison nodded. "Fine." Isaac smiled, motioning to the room Tony had given him and Jackson. 

     "Then let's get started, shall we?" 


i saw infinity war.
i'm messed up and broken.
thanks for that marvel.
but to try and shed light to darkness,
here's a new chapter. 

bye, peeps.

The Rise and Fall•Peter Parker |1|Where stories live. Discover now