15- Teenvengers

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     Currently Megan and I were sat in the back seat of Mr. Stark's car. It was outside the warehouse and we're just waiting until he came back outside. With Allison. Megan was in the backseat waiting very impatiently. I was a nervous wreck. There are kids in there that could potentially kill Mr. Stark or Allison. 

     That's it. I open the door, Megan's eyes widening. I walk to the trunk, pulling out my suit. Mr. Stark probably shouldn't have brought it with him. Besides the point. I quickly change, Megan averting her eyes. 

     "What are you doing?" she asked her back facing me. I look over as I hold my mask in my hand. She looks at me as I walk toward the building. "Wait, I want to go with you." 

     "Your ice is unpredictable. It's too much of a risk," I said turning to her. She glared at me, walking in front of me. 

     "I can handle myself," she commented. I nodded, following after her. When we got inside, I turned and started climbing the wall. It was easy to walk on the beams once I got up to the ceiling. Megan a second later came up on a staircase of ice. 

     "So we have a Disney princess on our team?" I muttered to myself. I kept climbing on the beams with Megan close behind. I stopped once I saw Mr. Stark hiding around a file cabinet. I look forward as I put on my mask. There was an open space with a glowing green light in the room. I turned to see Megan watching the men approaching Mr. Stark. "I'll help Mr. Stark. You go to the room ahead. It's where Allison most likely is." She nodded, running past me. 

     "Hey!" A man's voice yelled. Megan slid down into the room where I assumed Allison was, then swung down to the men holding Mr. Stark at gun point. 


     My feet finally took steps towards the chamber that held my mother. She was fast asleep. She'd never looked so peaceful. It made me want to cry, smile, yell in anger, but hug her all at the same time. I wanted to tell her that I missed her. That my father missed her. 

     I pressed my hand against the glass. She didn't even flinch, making panic flood my body. Was she dead? She couldn't be. Her chest was rising up and down. Suddenly, a machine turned on in the corner. I looked over to see a kid hitting the glass and tears streaming down her face. 

     Oh my god. 

     Panic flooded my system as I ran to the machine, trying to open the door before the serum injection started. Her pleas for help didn't help my concentration as I couldn't rip off the lock. Suddenly, ice shot at it making me look behind myself to see Megan. I turned back to the cradle, hitting the ice as hard as I could. 

     The door unlocked immediately, and I flung it open. The girl fell into my arms, tears bleeding into my shirt. I ran my fingers through her short boy cut hair. It made me sick that they were doing this still. It's been six years, but it will still haunt me. 

     "Attention warehouse goers! We have a returning guest that's managed to break out for six years!" The voice over the speaker was familiar to me. Who was it? "Spencer, if you would like to say hello to everyone! Just don't do anything stupid in the time being because I'm coming. We all are." There was a click, indicating I had time. 

     "What now?" Megan asked. Tony and Peter burst into the room, looking around. I stood, the little girl still clutching to my side. 

     "We let them out," I said looking between the kids. Tony and Peter both began opening cages as Megan froze the locks. They just hit them off, making me nod. I let the little girl show me her fire powers, scaring me a little bit. I smiled at her, though, and she smiled back. "Do you think you could use those for good? Hold off the bad guys?" She nodded, running to the door. She sent fire down the hallway, as the rest of the kids came out of the cages. 

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