10- Allison

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     It was like she had looked right through me. She didn't even know me. That hurts. It hurt so much. To know that she used to feel the same way as I did, and now she doesn't even know me. It hurts. 

     "Are you okay, Peter?" her dad asked making me nod slightly. 

     "Yeah, I'm fine," I said walking back into the house. And I was being brutally honest, I'm not fine. I don't think I'll be fine for a while. It's hard to process that your best friend doesn't know you or remember you. It's like she's gone, but she's not. 

     As I stopped outside of the door, Allison was sitting in a chair laid back with her arms crossed over her chest. That wasn't normal. Usually she sat up and acted like she had respect for other people. There's something from her past that she isn't telling us, and she needs to. 

     "How much do you remember? More specifically, what do you remember?" Mr. Stark asked making Allison shrug. 

     "His name was Martin, the man I was telling you about. He gave me a serum and used a machine to make me stronger, faster, and that could allow me to teleport. But, I can't do any of those things." Stark leaned forward, studying Allison's face. 

     "Can you describe what Martin looks like?" he asked. Allison shook her head, sitting up and leaning forward on her knee's. 

     "Can I leave?" she asked making Stark shake his head. 

     "We don't know your condition, and you are still weak from the fire," he said making Allison roll her eyes. 

     "Fire? Is that how I got weak? I can fix that, you know," she said with a shrug. 

     "You can?" Mr. Stark asked. Now I'm intrigued. 

     "Well if I had my memories I probably could. I just have to believe in who I am," she said leaning back again. Believe in who she is? She means who she is with her powers. Then who is without her powers? 

     "You mean you are someone else without your powers?" Stark asked very confused.

     "Technically. Over the years, my past self most likely built up a different persona and didn't want to be who she was when she was," Allison paused, breathing in slightly, "being tortured." 

     "You can use any other word besides torture,"  Mr. Stark replied making Allison shake her head. 

     "It's fine, I can deal with it. But I'm right. If I remember Allison, then I'll most likely be able to gain my power back and who you want," she stated crossing her arms.

     "Who we want? And who do we want, Allison?" Tony asked leaning forward on the table. 

     "You want Allison. I'm not Allison." 

Philadelphia, 2009. November 11. 


     The city and the streets. They're all a lot. The lights. It's all very bright. And loud. Nobody even asks why there is a nine year old kid roaming the streets of Philadelphia alone. Maybe some have noticed, but they think I have a parent that I'm returning to. People can't be that stupid, right? 

     But I'm not just a little girl. Well, I am. I probably already look fifteen. But hey, at least I'll be able to fight anyone. And I really want to test that out. Someone look's over at me as I stare ahead at the alleyway I usually turn in. Do I have to take a detour today? Or shall we play a game?

     Right as I make the turn into the alley, the person follows. I'll admit, it mad me smile. The first time in a while someone has actually cared. Or are they looking to murder a little kid. Let's see who the lucky winner is today. And let's hope they can run. 

     "Hey, kid!" the man screamed making me look back, then start running. Pretty soon after, his footsteps followed me. It was exhilarating. The thrill tasted amazing. As I jumped onto a fence and over, I looked back to see if he was following. When I looked forward again, there were two cops in front of me. I looked behind me to see the man that was chasing me was also a cop. 

     "Dang," I muttered, looking back at the two cops. 


     "Where are your parents?" Manny, the cop, asked. 

     "I have no idea,"  I replied with a shrug. 

     "Do you remember when you last saw them?" he asked. 

     "When I was two," I said with a slight nod. "Or was I three?" 

     "How old are you now?" Manny asked. 


     "Where have you been for the past  seven years?" 

     "In a warehouse with a man who doesn't like me very much. And he probably hates me now that I escaped. Do you know a man named Martin? Yeah, a real jerk," I started leaning forward. "He has like blue eyes. His hair is spikey and blonde. He looks kind of scary." Manny didn't seem amused by my description. 

     "This isn't funny. Now what's your name, sweetheart?" That was what I was ready to lie about. It took a second before I shook my head, then looked back at the man. 


Present Day. Avengers Compound. 

     Okay, it's coming back slowly. Can I tell them that? Well I probably should. I should tell them about Martin, about my real life. That life was only nine years, and seven of them were torture. The last year I finally got my powers, but that doesn't matter. 

     Apparently what matters right now is me getting to the other side of the room just using my mind. Which, so far, is not happening. If I knew how to work my power, I would do it. Trust me, I would be out of this place. 

     "Allison, are you okay?" Stark asked over the loud speaker. Flashes of Martin yelling at me poked in my mind, making me nod slightly. 

     "I'm fine, this is pointless," I said, backing up and walking out of the room. I cover my bare arms, leaning against the wall and sitting down. Footsteps approach me and I look up to see Peter standing over me. When I look away again, he sits next to me and rests his arms on his legs. 

     "Don't let Mister Stark push you. He's a bit harsh sometimes," he said making me nod slightly. He doesn't know that all I remember right now is torture. Should I tell him? "Are you cold?" 

     "Yeah, kinda," I chuckled, removing my hands from my arms to sit up and cross my legs. There is shuffling next to me, but it's just Peter taking off his jacket. He hands it to me, making me smile slightly. "Thanks." 

     "Yeah, no problem," he mumbled as I put the jacket on. It was pretty comfortable. "I'm sorry that you lost your memories." 

     "Yeah, I am too," I muttered, looking at my hands. "I'm sorry if you lost someone special in the process of me losing my memories." 

     "It's fine, I have belief that she'll be back," he said nodding a bit and smiling. He is most likely trying to remember happier times. I would love to remember happier times. We sat in silence, neither one of us saying anything. It wasn't really necessary, it's exactly what we both needed.

     Silence in the presence of another. 


I'm gonna be honest with you, i forgot i had to update.
Like I legit forgot about this story for a good week. 
but here is another chapter for you. Kinda cute. 

Alright, bye, peeps. 

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