13- Philadelphia

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     "Hey, have you seen Allison or Peter?" I asked walking up to Happy. 

     "When I went to check on them earlier at her apartment they weren't there. I had assumed they were here with you," he said. The worst nightmare went across my mind, and I sighed. 

     "They took off," I said grabbing my jacket. 

     "What? For where?" Happy asked making me shrug. 

     "My best guess would be Philadelphia. And they would be taking a train. The top of it. FRIDAY, give me a record of all trains on their way to Philadelphia at the moment," I said running upstairs to pack. 

     "There's one at the moment, and it is at maximum occupancy. There is no sign of Peter or Allison in the train," FRIDAY responded. 

     "What about any sign of life outside the train?" I asked pulling up the screen in my room. 

     "There are two life forms sitting on the caboose of the train, sir," she said making me nod. 

     "Great, get me a flight for Philadelphia," I said stuffing whatever I would need in the bag. 

     "All flights are delayed until Monday morning because of severe weather over the weekend," FRIDAY informed me making me sigh. 

     "Any trains?" I asked. 

     "Trains are delayed as well," she said. I stopped, throwing a shoe at my bag. 

     "When can I get to Pennsylvania?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. 

     "The last flight for Pennsylvania is tonight. It is in two hours," she said. 

     "Great, check first class. Then book me a ticket if there's room," I said shutting the bag and walking to my closet where my suit is. 

     "Right away, sir," she said. I push the button, revealing the infamous suit that everyone loves. 

     "What have you two done?" 


     The train stopped, making both of us look up and around. It was at a station in the middle of nowhere. A road lead back to a city, and the city was very well lit up. It seemed nice, but I need to remember where I'm actually going.  

     The warehouse. If I vaguely remember where it is, it's past the city. I remember because I teleported for miles until I got there. Now, I just need to find a motorcycle to steal. Which should be easy. Last time I was here there were a lot. 

     "So what's the plan?" Peter asked making me shrug. 

     "Get into the city, first. That's what we need to do," I said making sure nobody saw us jump off the top of the train. Thank god, no one did. "Then I know what to do." 

     "Then lead the way, Allison," he said motioning forward. I walked to the cab waiting for someone to get in, making me lean down to the window. He looked over at me, rolling the window down. 

     "How much for a ride to the city?" I asked. He smiled, holding a hand out. 

     "Twenty-five," he replied making me look at Peter who nodded. I opened the door to the back, throwing my bag in and climbing in. Peter followed me, and the guy started the car. When I looked in the mirror at the front, his eyes reminded me of something. A quick flash of the warehouse came to my mind, with him knocking on the chamber I was kept in. 

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