11- Memories

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disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters. 

Be ready for some Tallison feels. (Tony and Allison) 



     My name is not Spencer. I have no idea what my name is. But, I do remember much more than before. Easy stuff, I remember. Like how I was adopted into a new family. How my mom left us after a year. And then, the next year happened. 

     Now I get that there is six years missing, and I got two back over night. But really, it's gonna be harder to remember the important stuff. Like the most recent things. Say, the last two years. This isn't going to be easy, life is never designed to be easy. 

     It's supposed to be the hardest part of living. Staying alive. That's, easy, but what's even harder: making sure you can stay happy while doing so. It's just a game if you think about it. Stay alive in Pac-Man, or you lose. But it's different here. Here, we get one try. Then it's over. 

     "Allison, Mister Stark wants to talk to you," my so called father said walking up to me. I nodded slightly, grabbing Peter's jacket and walking towards the stair case that leads to the kitchen that I knew Tony was in. In the process I was also putting on the jacket because it was cold yet again. 

     "Hey, kid. Take a seat," Tony said the minute I reached the last step. I walked to the counter, sitting at one of the stools and pulling the sleeve's down to cover my hands. "I get it, this is all very weird. You don't know what's happening, and you want to." 

     "I do, I really do," I said breathing out with disbelief that this was still happening. "I want to know everyone here. I want to remember them, I want to remember my life, I-" I cut myself off, thinking about what I was about to say. "I want to remember Peter." Tony didn't speak as he just sat there without words. It was like he was the man who could say anything, but I just made him speechless. "You can understand that, right?" He nodded slowly, probably thinking about something to himself. 

     "Did you know that my parents were killed my one of my best friends best friend? Complicated, I know," he said making me look over with confusion. "The point is, I could barely remember my parents before then. I cold barely remember who my dad was, how much he truly loved me. Even though it felt like he didn't when he was alive, there was somewhere deep down inside me that knew he loved me. So, in a way, I can understand you. I would do anything that get back the love of my parents, because I want to believe so much that they both loved me until death." 

     He- Wow. He just said all of that. Okay, wow. I, what do I say? I'm confused. Instincts tell me to say something like, really sad back, but I can only think about hugging him. Especially because he took off his glasses and wiped his eyes. Yeah, okay, let's hug him. 

     I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck, probably startling him. It took a second, but he hugged back. Something tells me that Tony Stark isn't the kind of person that will be vulnerable to a teenage girl. So, this is a great breaking point for both of us. 


     If I'm going to get my memories back, I have to continue with a normal life. That means going back to New York. Tony thinks it's the best plan as of right now to make sure something jogs my memory. Of course Peter will be telling any friends of mine (that he knows of) that I've lost my memory. 

     "So this is my apartment?" I asked, looking around in surprise. 

     "Yeah, it's really nice. Your dad should be home soon. They just moved his work office," Peter informed me making me nod slightly. 

     "Where's my room?" I asked slightly on edge. Do I have a room? 

     "Oh, your dad said it was down the hall..." as he trailed off, I started walking towards the room in a dazed state. Am I getting a memory? 

Queens, 2012. Williams Apartment. 

     Footsteps approached my door. I already knew it was my so called father who doesn't know about what I can do. Why would I tell anyone? It would only make things harder. My mom just left, and it's only my dad and I now. I don't want to talk about it, though. I'm 11. It's not going to help me. 

     The knock on the door made me look up from my hands and swing my legs over the bed. As I slowly walked to the door, I thought about disappearing out of the room to anywhere else. Martin would be better than this. It's not fun. 

     "Allison, I know you're in there. Please open the door," he said making me walk to the door and unlock it. I quickly got back to the bed. As the door opened, he saw my figure lying on the bed, not facing him. I think that's what he saw. "Allison, it will be okay." Once again, not saying anything. What's the point? 

     He walked to my bed, sitting down and putting a hand on my leg. It made me move my leg out from under his grip, causing a sigh to escape his lips. 

     "Listen, I know this is hard. Neither of us saw this coming, and I get that it's been a week. Sometimes the best thing is to just move on." Did he really say that? He said that. Move on, just like that. Life isn't going to get better so I might as well just move on, right? A+ parenting right there. 


     "Allison?!" My eyes opened and I saw Peter right over my face. It startled me at first, making me jump and fall out of his arms onto the carpeted floor. I stood up quickly, running a hand through my hair as I looked around. 

     "What just happened?" I asked confused. 

     "You just fainted for no reason. Do you need some water? You should go lie down.  Here," he said helping me to my room. As I sat on the bed, I rubbed my temples. When Peter left the room, I got up and looked at everything. It all looked very familiar. "Do you want ice?!" 

     "Sure!" I said picking up one of the pictures from my dresser. It was a picture of me with a blonde older man. He looks pretty nice to me. Foot steps came back into the room, but I don't bother to look over. 

     "Oh, that's Steve. You helped him with a project one time," Peter said making me look over. I nodded, setting the picture down and taking the water from Peter. 

     "Thanks," I muttered with a smile. I went and looked at another picture. It was a picture that maybe I took with a guy in a red and blue mask/hood. I picked it up furrowing my eyebrows, and Peter saw it too. Well, I didn't take it. I think Vanish took it. 

     "Oh, that," Peter laughed walking over. He smiled, looking at it with me. "We had both just caught a gang of gangs from robbing a bank. They set it on fire when they were done and we both made it out okay. Of course, the robbers didn't, but we did. You weren't affected then." I smiled, laughing slightly at how nice it would be to remember. "You forgot to leave your phone at home so your dad couldn't track you, so you wanted to take in the moment with a selfie." 

     "Sounds a lot like me," I laughed. Tears formed in my eyes, making my smile go away. I set the picture back down. "What do I tell my dad when he asks about it?" 

     "Vanish told me that you said it was just a picture you have as a fan of Vanish and Spider-Man," Peter said motioning to the picture. I nodded, sipping on my water and walking to my window. It was a really nice view, if only I could remember anything that has happened in this city. "I'm sorry you can't remember." His words made me look down, then turn and set my water on the table to face him. 

     "Don't be. I don't want people to feel sorry for me or anyone. It's a coincidence in life, and it's just what is happening to me so I can reach the end," I said, nodding slightly. "And I think that Allison's life is just beginning." 



Doesn't update for a good almost two weeks and comes back with a shitty chapter
Here ya go (if you are actually reading this) is another chapter. 

Bye, peeps. 

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