12- Ruined Moments

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     She is officially not herself anymore. There was a tinge of hope in me that was hoping she would be herself again, but I was wrong. She has completely forgotten who she is. All I really know is that I want Allison back. And the only way to do that is to let her do what she needs to do. 

     She's been telling me about how finding Martin might restore her memories. She wants to try it, just to find out how. She knows it's worth the risk, but it's the best option that we have. That's why Mr. Stark can't find out about this. 

     "Hey, Allison," I said from her kitchen. 

     "Yeah?" she responded. She's in the living room looking at more pictures. 

     "How would you like to get your memories back?" I asked. She walked into the kitchen looking at me confused. Then she caught on. 

     "You want to disobey Tony?" Allison asked with a slight smile. 

     "Well, not necessarily. I want you to get your memories back. So, you'll be disobeying Tony," I suggested holding an arm out. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter. 

     "When do we leave?" 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May 30, 2016
Third Person P.O.V.

     "They are going to come soon, you know that," the body guard said making Martin nod. 

     "I know, that' s my plan. It's been my plan the whole time," he said beginning to walk to the back of the warehouse. 

     "She's going to be powerful," the man said making Martin laugh.

     "She's going to be weak, that's why she'll come. Then I'll get back my weapon that I created," he said opening the door and glancing over at the glass chambers that held many other children. 

     "And what will you make her stay with? She'll have backup. If you haven't seen the news, she's been busy," the man said making Martin turn around. 

    "Then I'll take them too," Martin said turning to the glass chambers again. He walked to the one at the end of the hall, stopping and smiling. "And this time, she'll want to work for me." He tapped on the glass, making Allison's mother look over. She shrunk back in the chamber, making Martin smile deviously. He was determined to win. 


     "So I have the bags, the money that you found in your dad's sock drawer, and some water bottles," I said dropping everything on the couch. 

    "Sounds great," Allison responded walking into the room. "Bet we could hitch a ride on a bus. Did Tony put a tracker in our suits?" 

     "Yeah, he did," Peter said making me nod. 

     "Then we'll have to use what we did before he gave us our suits," she said. I looked over, raising an eyebrows at her. She nodded, walking back into her room. "I think I was working on a different suit to wear before Stark gave me my new suit." 

     "Really? Where is it?" I asked following Allison into her room. She grabbed her bat, pushing on the attic door. Two piece of clothing fell to the floor. One was a pair of leggings with a silver design, and the shirt was a grey, with black added to it. The long sleeves cut off at the wrist, but gloves fell with it. "Woah." 

     "That's not it," she said. She walked to the closet, opening the door and letting a pair of boots fall. She grabbed them, holding up both to them to show that there was a gun in the holster of one boot, and a dagger in the other.

     "Bad ass," I muttered with a smirk and she nodded. 

     "So, shall we?" she asked making me nod. She grabbed the gloves, uniquely designed shirt, and leggings. As I was walking to the kitchen, it felt like something was wrong. I turned around to see Allison staring at one of her pictures. A pang of guilt hit my chest, making me walk back to the room. 

     "Second thoughts?" I asked making her shake her head. 

     "The few things I do remember, or have remembered, are memories of my mom. I can't help but think," she paused, smiling slightly, "that my mom is out there. And if she is, I'm going to do this for her." She set the picture down, grabbing her gear and walking past me. "Let's go find a villain." 


     We are sitting on top of a train, mainly because we can't afford the tickets. So when it goes in a tunnel, Peter gets out web, and holds us on the back. We would talk every so often, but mainly we would sit and look at the scenery. 

     The entire time it felt like I was hurting on the inside. Like there was something missing in what was about to happen. Or there was something I didn't want to see. Or I want to see it, but I'll be mad when I do? Something is going to happen. 

     "Hey, Allison?" Peter asked making me look over. 

     "Yeah?" I asked. He turned, facing me with a swift movement. 

     "Why are you doing this?" he asked making me sit up. 

     "What do you mean?" I asked confused. 

     "Why are you trusting me? You don't know me," he said. I nodded, standing and looking around. The perks of having great balance and strength. 

     "Well, you have been there for me. You definitely know a lot more about me than I do about myself. But, you have been really nice, and kind, and a genuinely good person. You don't seem like every other guy, and that's great," I said. Peter stood up, walking towards me and putting a hand on my face. Surprisingly, I was okay with it. But, moments are ruined. "Tunnel!" 

     Peter looked back, grabbing me and extending an arm. He shot web to the end of the train, grabbed our back packs, and we were on the end of the train in less that a second. We both sighed of relief as it passes in a few seconds, making us get back up. 

     "Let's just stay down here," he said making me nod. I leaned back when I reached the top, thinking what would've happened if the tunnel hadn't showed up. I barely know him, why would I do that? Probably because there's a part of me that knows I like him. A lot. 


sorry for no update for a long time. I've been a bit busy. (even though no one actually reads this story lol) 

but if you do read it, here ya go

Bye, peeps. 

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