5- History

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     After leaving with probably the biggest smile on my face from Allison's house, I went straight home. It was probably around seven and Allison's dad had only came into the room once. Thankfully he knocked first, giving me time to hide. 

     Other than working on homework and talking about what happened yesterday, it was really nice. I didn't know that I could like someone this much. Well, I don't love her, I know that. What does love even feel like?

     I'm sure I will find out someday, just not now. Not now at all. When I feel love, I think I'll know. It will be different from anything that I've ever felt before. It will be stronger and it will make me feel amazing. Then, it will go away and be history. 

     But it will remain a part of me. 

     "Hey, Parker. Didn't see you at all today." Really? How did he find out where I live. 

     "Yeah, you didn't," I said turning to face him. 

     "Double," he smirked, making me shake my head. 

     "I'm not in the mood," I replied, walking towards my apartment. 

     "Your bodyguard isn't here to save you?" he said. Ignore it, Peter. "Of course you need a girl to protect you, you're already a wimp." He's trying to make you retaliate, don't do it. "At least I know what she tastes like." 

     "Shut up, Flash," I snapped, turning and looking at him. He smirked, crossing his arms as he walked towards me. 

     "Oh so I can make fun of you and nothing happens. But if I make fun of Allison-" 

     "I said shut up," I said shoving him back away from me. He looked at me with rage, beginning to walk towards me. 

     "Say it again and your other eye is black," he spat. I turned away, beginning to walk into the building. It isn't worth it, and this isn't who I am. I'm Spider-Man, I'm the good guy that looks out for the little guy. "Don't you dare walk away from me, Parker!" 

     "I already am!" I shouted back, shutting the door behind me to make sure he couldn't get in. Well, unless he has a key. 


     As I open the door to my apartment, I see Aunt May on the couch. She looks over, standing up quickly looking relieved. 

     "Jesus, Peter. You scared me!" she exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. 

     "Why?" I asked, slowly wrapping my arms around her as well. 

     "I thought someone had really hurt you," she said, stepping back and cupping my face. "Come on, let's ice your eye." 

     "No, I'm fine, May. I was at a friends working in homework," I said stepping back and setting my keys on the table. 

     "A friends? Who?" she asked following me as I walked to the kitchen. 

     "Just a friend," I said turning to her and holding my arms out. 

     "Oh, alright. Well, dinner's in the fridge. If you need me I'll be out here," she said slowly walking back towards the couch. Once she sits down, I open the fridge grabbing the Chinese take out to my room. It was a great day, let's hope it ends great. 



     The next day. My dad didn't suspect a thing. He didn't even know that Peter was in my room until nine, and he still doesn't know that I'm Vanish. Both very good things. If he finds out that there was a boy he doesn't know in my room, he would kill me. Now the powers, that would be hard to explain. 

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