20- Epilogue

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     Allison ran down the street towards the alley that her and Peter usually meet. They suit up there, then go around the city finding anything that is called crime. The usual crime stopping teenagers. Friendly neighborhood superheroes. 

     "You're late," Allison said as Peter ran into the alley way. 

     "I had to get our sandwiches!" Peter complained as he tossed Allison a sandwich. 

     "Yeah, yeah. Suit up," Allison said pulling out her suit. Tony had made a new one for her seeing as she left the other one in a different universe. It was a little better than the last one, but still had all the same restrictions. 

     "I was thinking, since Homecoming is coming up-" 

     "How about we live long enough to go to Homecoming," Allison said with a smile on her face. Peter looked at her, smiling. 

     "Allison Williams, would you like to go to Homecoming with me?" Peter asked walking to her. He pressed the center of his suit, it tightening around him. Allison did the same to her suit, with a smile on her face. 

     "I will gladly go to Homecoming with you, Peter Parker," she said. Peter smiled, pressing his lips against Allison's. He stepped back, webbing his backpack to the wall. Allison shoved her bag behind the dumpster, following Peter. 

     "Alright, where to?" 


     Allison teleported into the alley as Peter swung down. The dumpster that their backpacks were by was gone, along with their backpacks. The both groaned, not knowing what to do. Allison looked around while Peter was texting May that he would be home soon. 

     "This is great," Allison said. She pulled her phone out of her sleeve, texting her mom that she needs yet another backpack. 

     "I'm going to head home. See you tomorrow," Peter said with a smile. 

     "Bye," Allison waved. He swung out of the alley, Allison teleporting into her room a second later. Megan glanced over from the bunk bed, brushing it off. 

     "Did he ask you?" she asked. Allison looked up at her as she took off her suit. 

     "You knew?" Allison asked grabbing a pajama shirt and sweatpants. A pair of Peter's, actually. 

     "Of course I did. He asked me what to say. If he was so smooth, it was because I told him exactly what to ask you," Megan said putting the notebook down on the bed. 

     "When did you become the expert at boys?" Allison asked climbing to the top bunk. 

     "Buzzfeed," Megan answered. She froze the glass of water next to her, holding it up to Allison. "The bruise on your hip." 

     "Wow, thanks, mom," Allison said taking the glass. 

     "You're welcome. Now get your homework done. We have a test tomorrow," Megan said getting up. 

     "What have you been doing?" Allison asked as she went to reach for her backpack. She paused when she realized it was actually her backpack. "How'd you get my backpack?" 

     "Oh, Peter's is over there. I caught some guy trying to steal them," Megan said. Allison groaned, jumping down from the bed. She snatched the backpack, walking to the center of the room. 

     "Please stop taking our stuff," Allison said with a slight smile. 

     "It's too fun," Megan complained. Allison rolled her eyes, teleporting into Peter's room where he was pulling on a new shirt. 

     "Found your backpack," Allison said setting it next to his bed. Peter looked at her, smiling. 

     "Great. Did Megan have them?" Peter asked making Allison nod. 

     "I should probably head back, unless you need help studying?" Allison asked as Peter stepped to her. 

     "Yeah, studying," he smirked. He pressed his lips against hers, Allison smiling into it. She ran a hand through his hair, then stepped back. 

     "I'll see you tomorrow," Allison said. She teleported back to her room, a wide smile on her face. She had everything she needed. 


stick around, peeps.

Their story isn't over. 

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