|| Chapter 9 || Flashback's

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Still Suga's POv
She's in My Arms Again.We finally pulled away from our long warm hug it was nice that me and Jisoo has a connection or should I say relashionship again (A:N if that's the right sentence😂sori) This day is the best even though Jennie broked me but whatever I moved on.If you're asking why I fastly moved on because I moved on because of Jisoo she made me forget the pain that's why I love her a-a-as a friend (A:N ya sure Yoongi Oppa?*smirk*)"Oppa"Jisoo said "Hmm?"I questioned "I think we need to head down nkw I think Jin Oppa is panicking right now" Jisoo said and released a little laugh I laughed too "Yeah you're right let's go"I said while standing up Jisoo stood up I let out my hand signing her to grab it "Ah Oppa what are you doing?"Jisoo ask I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand and we walked down.We were in the living room we sat down and I took my phone out my pocket and."Oppa I wanna go out"Jisoo said "Then go out"I said my eyes still in my phone "No Oppa I want to go out...With you"Jisoo said her last words made me look up at her,I was touched with her last words "Why me?,you could go with Taehyung or Jimin or Jin Hyung or with Lisa or Rosè you could choose anyone in here but why did you choose me to go with you?"I said while a tear escaped my left eye "Why are you asking that?,don't you wanna go?,and why are you crying Oppa?"Jisoo said concerned "Nothing I was just shocked that in many people in this house you chose me"I said while wiping my tears Jisoo smiled and hugged me I hugged back but I was still shooked (A:N Jungshooked🤣)at her words and her movements she looked up at me still hugging me "I just want to bring back the old times you know?,like playing in the playground,buying ice cream,walking at the park,going to the mall and shop and play at the arcade,and going starbucks and ordering coffee shakes,and playing video games"She said I just stared at her she sighed "I want us to be like that again,and I want our friendship to be more stronger than then,do you think of that too Oppa?"Jisoo said "Y-yes"I stuttered "I want to bring back the old times too"I finally said properly Jisoo smiled I smiled back.Her smile.It's so bright.From many people I saw smiling.Jisoo is the one that has the most sweetest,most brightest,charming,wonderful smile I had ever seen in my whole entire life "so Oppa would you like to do that again?,We can start now"Jisoo said "Yeah sure,Let's go....My chichu~"I said sweetly she smiled "Okay then let's go!"Jisoo said while standing at the sofa and pulling me "Jisoo what about our clothes!Especially your clothes!,it's too showy!"I shouted aka whined yes it's true her clothes are too showy shes wearing a big white sweater and a really i mean really short shorts "What about it?,it's okay if it's showy"She said while pulling me "What if someone look at your secret spot on that damn fucking shorts!"I said "Then I'll kick his ass"Jisoo said still pulling me "Argh ok,nobody can stand your cuteness"I said standing up "Yey!"Jisoo said while jumping up n down around me "Come on let's go to my car"I said and I was about to walked but Jisoo hold my wrist and smirked her evil smirk.Ah i know what going on "we're walking"Jisoo said Aha! I knew this girl is doing this " Argh Jisoo you know i hate walking!"I said "you said you agreed to bring back the old times well,we always walked to the park when were bored when we were kids is the old times"Jisoo said I groaned "Aww okay!"I said Jisoo smiled and dragged me outside "Wait!,We have'nt wore our shoes yet!"I shouted and Jisoo stopped dragging me fuck this girl (A:N:hey hey hey! Don't you dare speak up like that especially with my PIKAJICHU!) "Oh yeah right let's go upstairs and wear our shoes"She quickly said and dragged me again upstairs and stopped when were infront of me and jennies room "wear your shoes I'll just go to my room I mean me and Taehyung's room to get wear my shoes okay?,oh and when your done wearing your shoes just go to the living room if I'm still up in me and Taehyung's room Arraso Oppa?"She said "yeah ok"I said "Good"She said and left I opened the door seing no one here.'Maybe Jennie is out'I though and went to my walk in closet (A:N: fuck idk what to say in that darn closet) and wore my shoes I walked to the door seing Jisoo standing there she grabbed my hand and dragged me again.Were finally outside the mansion and phew that fucking dragging made me tired of catching up! "Come on let's go! What are you waiting for!"Jisoo said I rolled my eyes then smiled at her she smiled back we started walking
(Yoongi 10 yrs old,Jisoo 6 yrs old)
"Oppa I'm bored let's go to the park"Jisoo whined while letting go of the controller while me stil playing call of duty "Oppa are you listening to me!"Jisoo shouted while shaking me I paused the game and let go of the controller "Let's go to the park and have ice cream like always when we get bored"I said smiling Jisoo smiled and jump around "yey were having ice cream!"Jisoo said jumping up and down "ok now wear your shoes"I said Jisoo went to her closet and wore her shoes she went to me and said "Done!"Jisoo said I smiled she grabbed my hand I can feel my face blush hard we went down "Eomma me ang Yoongi Oppa will go to the park"Jisoo said to Auntie "Yeah sure I'ts fine with me here's some money if your going to by aiseukeulim"Auntie said while giving Jisoo money I look at Eomma she smiled and gave me money "kamsahamnida"Me and Jisoo said in unison we walked to the door "don't to far okay?"Auntie said "And don't to stragers!"Eomma said "We will!"Me and Jisoo said I mean shouted in unison we walked to the nearby park and went to the ice cream shop I ordered chocolaye and Jisoo ordered vanilla we went outside the store and sat down at the bench and we enjoyed our ice cream "We will alway's do this right Oppa?"Jisoo asked looking at me "Of course we will always and forever do this because forever we will be friends right!?"I said smiling "of course "Jisoo said and we proceeded licking our ice cream 'someday i will be yours forever Kim Jisoo I promise that I will love you if were in the right age and i will promise that i will protect you and be with you,I promise'I though and proceeded eating my aiseukeulim
*End of Flashback*
"Oppa were here!"Jisoo said "Let's go to the ice cream shop my treat"I said excitedly "Hell Yeah!"Jisoo said we went to the ice cream shop and ordered mine is chocolate and Jisoo ordered vanilla yeah just like the old days I payed the ice cream and Jisoo was going to go to the seats in the ice cream shop but "Yah Jisoo not there!"I said and smiled Jisoo walked to me "Why?" Jisoo asked "In the old days we eat our ice cream at the bench right?"I said not removing the smile "Oh yeah your right let's go"Jisoo said and grabbed my hand and we went outside the store and sat down at the bench and ate our ice cream."Oppa do you still love Jennie?"Jisoo asked the sudden question made me shock yes i loved her but not now because I know she loved some one else and she broked me so I moved on but still I did'nt know what to answer I thinked hard and I got the answer to her question "No,beacuse I moved on and now i found somebody better than her the one that cannot break me"I said and smiled "Who is she Oppa?"

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