|| Chapter 11 || Flashback's 2

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Still Yoongi's POv
A figure of me and Jisoo when we where little
(Suga 5yrs.old and Jisoo 4yrs.old) (A:N:just pretend I know it became different ages now because last time suga was 10 and Jisoo was 5 but yeah let's just change the age for the story)
"Oppa why are your skin so white! Aww..jiltunayo"Jisoo said and pouted i chuckled "Jisoo because Eomma take care of my skin alot she put's sun screen"I said while smiling "Eomma put's sun screen on me too but why Am I not white as you?"Jisoo whined i chuckled I cupped her cheeks (both of my hands) Jisoo's face was staring at me confused "Jisoo listen..
Your perfect just the way you are"I said and smiled she smiled as well a removed my hands from her cheek's then Jisoo attacked me with a hug I blushed hard and I hugged back but still the blushing still had not removed from my face.Then the blushing is finally gone phew....We pulled away from our long warm hug "Oppa we will be alway's like this right?"Jisoo said still smiling "Of course!,always and forever"I said She smiled and we played again at the swing's
*End of Flashback*

I sighed and another flashback came through my mind

(In grade 1,Suga 6yrs.old and Jisoo 5yrs.old)
"Jisoo the weirdo Jisoo the weirdo"Someone said coming from the left so that's why I looked to my left I saw Irene push Jisoo.I quickly ran to her and went infront Jisoo.Jisoo was sitting on her butt because Irene pushed her."Move aside Yoongi!"Irene shouted At my face "No!.Why are you hurting Jisoo she did'nt nothing wrong with you!"I said "Because she bump me!Why are you even friend's with that weirdo anyway! She's like out of this world she's doing crazy thing's! And she's so ugly so why are you hanging out with her!?"Irene said with anger "I did'nt m-mean to I-i t-tripped and runned out of b-balance M-m-mia-mianhae"I looked at my back to see Jisoo.Jisoo stuttered her voice is filled with fear I looked back at Irene "You stay out of her way or else I'll crash you into peaces!"I shouted filled with anger.No one messes around With my Jisoo and if I said no one I mean no one!.Irene ran away.I looked at Jisoo who was hugging both of her leg's crying.My heart break's when I see her cry I can't stand it my face became sad to see her like that it breaks me to peaces it's like glass,shattered glass.I went beside her "Jisoo it's okay she's gone now"I said she stopped sobbing and lifted her head up in order to see my face.She stared at me.Then minutes our eye's met we made eye contact then it stopped.We made eye contact in 2minutes."K-kamsahamnida O-Oppa"Jisoo stuttered but manage to say it I smiled the weak smile "Your welcome...Now please don't cry I don't want to see my Jichu cry okay?"I said she nodded we heard the bell rang so it's time for class so we stood up and went to our class room

*End of flashback*

Yes it's right when we were kid's and teen's when I see Jisoo cry it break's me it break's me into peaces I can't stand to see her like that

I had a flashback again

(Suga 10yrs.old Jisoo 9yrs.old)
"Oppa do I look ugly?"Jisoo asked I stopped playing video games and looked at her she let go of her controller and hugged her legs I came closer and sat beside her "Who said that your ugly?...your really beautiful believe me you the most beautiful girl I had ever seen"I said that made Jisoo look at me "Really?"Jisoo said with a sad tone "Of course..Why would I lie to my bestest friend"I said She looked down again I came closer to her face and peeked to her side "Why what's the matter?"I simply asked "Nothing Oppa"Jisoo said and lifted her head up "Come on Jisoo I know your lieing..I'm your best friend I need to know it so I could help"I said (A:N:Mianhae I can't remember the spelling of 'lieing' you know what I mean) "Ok Oppa if you said so"Jisoo said and let go of her leg's from the hugging her leg's position and she looked at me I can see her gorgeous eye's filled with sadness "It's because of Irene she kept bullying me of how ugly and weird I am"Jisoo said with a sad tone "Jisoo..don't listen to Irene she's Just jealous of your beauty..and she's jealous of your bubbly personality I promise she is just jealous of you because you too good for her..correction your too good for anyone"I said "Oppa that's the nicest thing I had ever heard in my entire life"Jisoo said and smiled I smiled back.She hugged me I hugged back (A:N:The romantic hug you know! The laying down hug or sitting down hug of a couple) Someone bargged in the door without knocking that made me and Jisoo jump in shock.Oh it was just Jin Hyung Awww darn it he ruined the beautiful moment with his sister!! Argh Jin Hyung your gonna pay for that! "Yah Jin Oppa don't you know how to knock!"Jisoo said with sarcasam "Oh Mianhae I'm just here to tell you guy's that Eomma and Auntie cooked snacks for us"Jin Hyung said "dod they cook Chikin!?"Jisoo said hopping up and down "Of course my dongsarng so yeah let's go before I eat it all!"Jin Hyung said and ran down stair's "Come on Oppa I want my Chikin!"Jisoo said and pulled me up and dragged me all tbe way to the dining room

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