Some memories aren't meant to be revived.
Especially when they're lurking in the deceitful creases and folds of the treacherous night.
*extended summary inside*
Before Miriam went missing, nick always found a sense of security in her. Whenever he was having a bad day, she was the only one who could make him smile.
He loved it when she would rest her head on his shoulder, he loved it when they were a blur of bodies- hearts pressed together and hearts beating together and their thoughts fusing together.
Miriam loved it too. Nothing could undermine the physicality to their relationship. They always had attraction and defining fire.
She knew that their relationship was good in every other aspect too. They could confide in each other, they were a unit and fate obviously wanted them together.
She needed him. He needed her.
She often wondered whether she wanted him though, but then she'd remind herself of how selfish she was and how she could never be fully pleased with what she had.
There always was a thin line between want and need in their relationship.
She didn't deserve him. So the fact that he chose her- it made her feel worthy and desirable of life. It made her hope, and perhaps that was when things took a turn too fast.
Perhaps, that was when Miriam realised she was trapped.
It was then that Miriam realised a together would surely turn her extinct.
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