Some memories aren't meant to be revived.
Especially when they're lurking in the deceitful creases and folds of the treacherous night.
*extended summary inside*
when nick and Miriam first met, it was freshman year of high school.
They were lab partners and it seemed the only chemistry they knew, was the chemistry that bound them together and made them emit waves of attraction towards each other. It all seemed too cliche for Miriam to believe it.
Nick loved the ocean of stars that brewed in Miriam's eyes and Nick loved the feel of her fingers brushing against his. He loved how her hands never stopped moving, always smoothing down the edges of her shirt or fiddling together in an agitated rhythm.
Miriam loved the warmth Nick exuded. She had always felt cold and isolated, yet with Nick it was like her toes were being dipped in a pool of warm water.
She also loved the texture of his voice. Like curdled honey that she could never find sweet enough. She liked the dip between his eyebrows that became prominent when ever he frowned. He only frowned when he was concentrating. When it came to her, he only ever smiled.
That smile always made Miriam feel one of two things; It had the power to make Miriam feel like her heart was palpitating, a flock of birds beating there wings in her chest.
It also had the power to make Miriam feel like a gun was being raised to her head and if she blinked, she would miss him pulling the trigger.
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