Some memories aren't meant to be revived.
Especially when they're lurking in the deceitful creases and folds of the treacherous night.
*extended summary inside*
Nick loved Miriam. They were strategic power and the kiss on the count of three.
They were fleeting fingers and misguided looks.
However, sometimes they were the clench of a wrist that wasn't supposed to be sweet, but instead commenced for the sole purpose of striking fear and initiating domain.
They had been a couple for three years and now in their senior year of high school, they were encountering the what-happens-now stage.
Would there be a Miriam and Nick after high school? Miriam wasn't sure. She hadn't been sure for a while- she felt that the answer was located somewhere in her brain, she just couldn't remember the exact coordinates.
Nick knew that he could never let the melted wax of Miriam slip through his fingers, he was sure they would stay together forever. He would follow her to college and do whatever he could to keep the strings of Miriam intact and nestled in the palm of his hand.
Talk of the future scared Miriam, she never did know what she wanted to do.
Although, sometimes, when it was just her and the blank walls of her bedroom- free from prying eyes.
Miriam cried for a future she knew she could never extricate herself from and stop from happening.
It was a future with Nick.
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