Going back

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I woke up the next day after stoping for the night to get some sleep. I walked as far as I could yesterday before I felt tired and even then I walked until well after the sun went down. I could feel the dirt coating my body from laying on the ground the last few nights. So I decide to find a lake or a river to wash off in. About an hour later I find a small creek and I decide that it's good enough.

I run straight into the water and sigh as the cool water splashes me. I dive under the water and swim a bit before coming up for air. I could tell that my body was like a human one because I could only hold my breath for about a minute.

After I finish my swim I lay down on a log to dry off. "Summer!" I hear a voice coming from behind me. I turn around and see Skylar coming towards me followed by mom.

"Mom! Skylar!" I say getting up and give them a hug.

"Summer I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't completely thinks this through." Jasmine says still holding onto Summer.

"It's fine. We all do stupid things. Like me throwing the fact that you only got to be my mom around the kidnapping. I'm sorry." I say hugging her back. After a moment we all let go of each other and mom and Skylar swim in the lake to wash themselves off.

"Now which way should we go so we can get back to our bodies and return home to our loved ones." Mom asks both of us girls.

"North." I say remember all the times that we move Eric said we moved further north. "That's an old habit of Alex."

"North it is. Which is which way?" Skylar asks looking around.

"That way." Mom says pointing to the left of the creek.

"Ok lets go." Skylar says heading in the direction mom had just pointed to. After walking for a bit in silence Skylar breaks it by talking. "I wonder what everyone is doing right now."

"They are missing us." I say thinking of how Dean must be feeling being away from me.

"I'm sure they are working out a way to find us. They love us and I can promise you they are doing everything they can to try and find us." Moms assures us. "No matter how old your mate bond is, their wolves won't let them give up on us."

"Your right. I can't wait to be back in Deans arms. Cuddling with our children and watching a Disney movie. And I definitely can't wait to meet my new little nephew."

"That's good. Remember how you felt while with them. It will help the bond stay strong." Moms says before we fall into silence once again.




A few hours later we arrive in a small clearing in the woods. "Does this look familiar to anyone else?" I asks looking around.

"Yeah." Skylar and mom both reply looking around themselves.

"Well what do we have here Rick." A guy says walking out of the woods surrounding the field. It was now clear why this place looked so familiar, it was the same clearing that the rouges trapped us in when we first ran when arriving at Alex's compound.

"Well, it looks like the little ladies who thought they could escape. Eh mike?" A second one says walking into the clearing calling out to the another guy.

"Your right. I'm sure they will be pleased to have you three back." Mike says joining the others. The guys start to circle the three of us causing mom to grab onto the two of us. They continue to circle us for about ten minutes not increasing or decreasing the size of the circle.

"Ah I see you girls came back." Alex says joining everyone in the field. He is followed by Jamie who immediately rushes over to me and pulls me into his arms.

"You are in big trouble." He whispers into my ear.

"Now come on we have a witch waiting to undo whatever voodoo magic you did." Alex says grabbing onto mom's arm tightly and pulling her away from us. Two of the men who found us grab Skylar and pull her along.

"Don't look so down. We will be having a little celebration tonight when your back in your own body. You know we need get our bigger family started." Jamie whispers into my ear before we start to follow the others. I stay quiet and follow them.

Once we get back to the building we head inside. Instead of taking me back to my room we turn the opposite way and go into an empty room. The only things inside are our bodies and a women along with some candles. Jamie throws me down to the floor where my mom and Skylar are. "Start witch." Alex orders.

"They need to be standing." The witch says lighting the candles.

"Fine stand up you three." Alex says giving mom a kick first. We all stand up no one resisting. We all just want to get back to our bodies before we die. The witch starts to mumble something quietly under her breath.

I start to get the same tingly feeling as I did before. I feel myself stumble but this time I don't feel myself hitting the floor but being caught by a pair of arms. No doubt they belong to Jamie.

Instead of being met by blackness I see Elise and Celene standing in the room with me. Everyone else has disappeared leaving the three of us alone.

"My child, you have earned your power that was mentioned the last time we spoke." Celene says.

"Yes, this is the key to ending your families problems with Alex and his men." Elise says adds in.

"Really?" I ask but they don't answer my question. I can't seem to be able to move anything but my mouth.

"Good bye my child." Celene says placing a kiss on my forehead before everything turns to black.




"There has to be a spell to locate them somewhere." Josh says looking through a book that they have been through already. It's has been two days since they felt the separation of their mates.

"Josh I don't think there is a spell in these books that can help us." Dominic says from the arm of the couch. He has been watching Rachel sleep. She tried to stay awake as long as she could to help find her friends but her sleepiness finally took over.

"He is right. I think the only person who might know this spell is my mom." Zander says from across the room. He was finally able to get away from his pack and arrived a few hours ago to help.

"No. We will not be allowing that crazy lady to help. She is locked up for a reason." Josh says yelling at the beginning but getting quieter as he went on knowing that Dean had just put the girls to bed and Zander's kids were sleeping as well. As well, Faith and Damon are upstairs resting. Faith was put on bed rest to stop their son from coming too early. All the stress of the kidnappings weren't good on either of them.

"I think he is right. She may be the only one that can help." Dominic agrees.

"Fine." Josh says still not happy with the idea. Suddenly Dean, Jarrod and Josh feel a shock go through their bodies.

"What was that?" Jarrod asks.

"The girls are back in their bodies. Our mate bond is back." Dean says and his wolf howls in joy.

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