Can I stay

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After hearing the knock on the door I go and open it to find Skylar standing there with a duffle bag. "Hi Summer." She says and I let her in the house.

"What are you doing here and does Mom and dad know you are here?" I ask bombarding her with questions.

"No." she says and pauses for a minute before continuing. "I couldn't stay there so I ran away but I didn't know where to go so I came here. Please don't be mad at me." She says bursting into tears.

"Hey I'm not mad." I say giving her a hug where she just keeps crying so I rub her back. "The kids are in the living room why don't you go join them and I'll meet you in there." I say and she nods before heading into the room. I make my way back to the kitchen and over to the phone hanging on the wall by the backdoor. I dial my parent's number and it rings and right as I'm about to hang up my mom answers the phone.

"Hey Summer we can't talk we can't find Skylar." Mom says in a rush.

"Yeah that's what I'm calling about she is here, she said she ran away and came here, so I thought I should let you know." I say and I hear her sigh in relief before she goes silent for a while probably using the pack link.

"Thanks for calling, we will head there in about an hour to pick her up." She says and I can hear the relief in her voice.

"Look I don't think that's a good idea, she needs some time to cool down maybe you should stay there and she can have some time to herself."

"Summer I don't think that is a good idea, you have your kids to worry about and she has school." She says listing off reasons.

"The girls are getting homeschooled here and Terry would more than happy to help Skylar while she is here, I think that is what would be best. Maybe in a couple weeks you can come up here and visit and then you can see if she is ready to come home." I say and then there is a pause on the other end.

"Summer?' I hear dad ask into the phone.


 "Is she ok?" he asks sounding worried.

"Yeah she is fine." I say and he gives off a sigh of relief.

"Ok we will see you in a couple weeks, don't worry about your mom I'll make sure she stays here until then."

"Thanks dad." I say "well I should go back to the kids."

"Yeah make sure you give them a hug for me and tell them I miss them."

"I will." I says and about to hang up but his voice come though once more.

"Summer, you sound very grown up, I'm proud of you." He says and then hangs up.

"Thanks Daddy." I say to the dead air before hanging the phone back up and heading to the living room to join in on the movie everyone is watching.




Around five in the evening we hear the door open and Dean and Damon come into the living room. The girls and Eric are playing house in the little play house we have set up in here and Jenny and I are watching tv. The twins are playing in the playpen and Faith is asleep on the couch. "So how was your day?" Dean asks sitting down on the floor beside me. He doesn't know about Skylar because she is out on a run to clear her head.

"Fine Skylar ran away from home and now she is staying with us for a couple of weeks." I say as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I know she stopped by the pack house first to make sure she could stay on the land." He says and I just shrug, I should have known he would know since he is the alpha.

"Maybe we should hold off on the family barbecue tonight, I should probably get Faith home." Damon says going over to the couch.

"Don't worry she had been asleep for a while she should be good. Beside she is looking forwarded to it, she told me to wake her up before we start." I say and Damon nods before shaking her awake. I turn away from them at the sound of one of the twins crying. So I stand up and head over to the playpen and pick up a crying Toby. I cuddle him and try to stop him from crying. Peter seeing the attention Toby was getting starts to cry as well. I go to pick him up as well but Dean stops me and picks him up, making him stop crying. "Hey baby what's wrong?" I ask and he lays his head down on my shoulder. It then that I notice he feels warm. I touch his forehead and pull my hand away because he feels really warm.

"Summer what's wrong?' Dean asks seeing the worry on my face.

"I think we should bring him to Hazel, his head feels really hot." I say and I see Dean nods before putting Peter back down. Dean then checks Toby's head and pulls his hand away too.

"Eric can you watch the girls and Peter we have to take toby to the doctors he's burning up." Dean says and Eric nods.

"Yeah go, Jenny and I will stay here until you get back." He says as he jumps up from the playhouse. I nod before quickly leaving the room, I head over to the door way and put on some shoes and grab Toby diaper bag. Dean follows behind me and doing the same except instead of a diaper bag he grabs his keys. We head to his truck knowing that it would be faster to get to the pack house and hop in. I get in the back sitting beside Toby after moving Peter's car seat to the back. About three minutes later we arrive at the pack house and I jump out carrying Toby's car seat since he cried himself to sleep. Dean gets out next and we hurry into the house and towards the doctor's office. Hazel is sitting down at her desk obviously not being busy right now.

"Alpha, Luna what can I do for you today?" she asks jumping out of her seat.

"Toby has this really bad fever and we thought we should bring him to you to get it checked out." Dean says so she grabs Toby and brings us into an exam room. She runs a couple tests and about an hour later she tells us that he has a urinary tract infection and gives us some antibiotics.

"Just keep an eye on him and if he gets worse then bring him back immediately no matter the time. Make sure he takes all of the antibiotics even if he is feeling better. But I think its best if we keep him here tonight just in case." She says and I nod. Right now Toby has an iv in him pumping some antibiotics into his system.

"Thanks Hazel." Dean says and she nods before leaving the room. "Hey I'll go home to check on the kids and then I'll come back to stay with you." He says standing up from his chair.

"no." I crack out the first word that I have made since we got here.

"No?" he asks confused.

"You should stay there. The girls will need someone to stay with, I'll stay here and you can come and get us in the morning." I say and I see him thinking about it.

"Ok, I'll see you in the morning." He says before placing a kiss on both mine and Toby's forehead.




Dean pov

The next morning Toby's fever broke and was allowed to go home. I went and pick him and Summer up from the hospital and brought them back home. Summer put Toby in the play pen in the living room and joined the girls on the couch who were watching a movie again. Peter was with Skylar who was in the guest room which is now her room, while she stays there. "Hey summer I have some pack business to attend to back at the pack house so I should be back in a couple of hours." I say and she nods while cuddling the girls. Toby being sick really scared her and I know it because of the past, in pack like the one Alex took over if a wolf was even lightly ill they were killed because they were look upon as a weak link. "Bye." I yell into the living room and I get a chime of bye's before I head to the door.

"Hey Dean." I hear Skylar ask as she walks down the stairs carrying a sleeping Peter.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Do you think I can come with you?" she asks shyly.

"Of course just put Peter in the play pen with Toby and I'll meet you at the truck." I say and she nods and heads into the living room.

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