Chapter 1, May I Have This Dance

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I laugh as my little brother holds his hand out to me and dips down.

"May I have this dance," his voice is so childish as he says those five words.

"Of course my good sir," I play along with his game. Quickly grabbing my phone as we go into the living room. Can't have a dance without the music, right. Changing the song to more of a fun toon I twirl him around.

"No, the guy is supposed to twirl the girl," Finns hands land on his hips as he finishes his twirl. A small frown etched across his 6 year old face, making a dimple appear.

"Fine," he quickly grabs my hand and tries to twirl me. Only to figure out that I'm like a foot and a half taller than him and that it doesn't work. I end up getting on my knees to dance with him.

Mom and Dad are out on a date night, meaning I get babysitting duty. It's nice that they still act like lovesick teenagers. They have the kind of love that never gets old... unless your their child gagging in the background as they pretty much make out in front of you.

"Sissy, can you teach me a new dance move?" Finn hits my shoulder repeatedly, as if it would help his quest to learn how to dance. I roll my eyes, whenever we dance he needs to learn a new move. I, as the only dancer in the house is the only person he can go to. I swear he's on a quest to become better than me or something.

"What do you wanna le...." a loud crash sounds from the kitchen cutting me off. Did a pan just fall? And more importantly, who the hell knocked it down?

"What was that?" Finn voices my unasked question, "Is it a ghost!?!" he jumps up and down.

"No, I don't think it is," my voice trails off as he runs towards the kitchen. Darn that boys excitement.

"Finn!" I run after him. Grabbing my phone in case I need to call the cops. Crashing through the door I freeze, my heart faltering as I do. In between two extremely buff guys is my little brother. Both of them have a hand wrapped around each of his small arms. As my eyes travel from Finns scared blue ones towards his captures, I notice how young they are. Probably only a few years older than me, I guess around 20. The guy on the right has dark brown hair styled in a "I just got out of bed look". He has sharp features that would make any girl swoon. Ya know, if he wasn't holding their little brother captive in their kitchen. He probably has abs since he looks like a freaking model for some sports magazine. I hate it. The other guy was just as fit but with a less angled jaw, tanner skin, and red hair. His green eyes reminded me of a cats.

"You look scared sweetheart," the red haired guy speaks. You can almost hear the smirk in his voice. Ya, no dip Sherlock.

"Let go of him," I'm proud of myself for not stuttering.

"Sure," he drawls the word out. Suddenly I fear him even more. He looks like he's having the time of his life. Who the hell enjoys this type of stuff. He better not hurt Finn.

"Take his place," he states, staring into my widened eyes. What? I look at Finns pale face, he looks like he is about to faint, I wouldn't blame him. I'm about to faint. I can't let them keep him. I open my mouth before closing it. I hear my dad's voice in my head, telling me that they would hurt him anyways. That people like these men bargain with untrustworthy words. That they would hurt him anyways. That's how they win. It hurts. I want to scream at them to take me instead when Finn whimpers. His arms are red around their hands.

"What will you do with me," my voice is quiet. I need them busy as I unlock my phone behind my back. A distraction. Somehow my mushed brain cells remember my phone.

"Hunny, it doesn't matter now, does it? " the other guy squeezes Finns arm tighter. I swear I heard a bone break. My thumb hits the phone button. My heart thumps in my chest.

"Let go of him," my voice is small, squeaky. I dial what I hope to be 911. I hope this works. I really hope this works. God, please. I don't want to know what would happen if this doesn't work.

"You gonna make me," the second guy sneers. I hate him, both of them. I want them to burn in the depths of hell.

My phone beeps and a dispatcher ladies voice comes on, "911, what's your emergency," The blond haired guy lunges at me when he hears her voice, throwing me into the counter. My hip takes most of the impact sending shocks through my body. I think he just broke it.

"1111 drive," I hiss out through the pain. Surprisingly, my phone is still in my grip. The guy stalks towards me with inhumanly speed, twisting my arm behind my back. I hear a snap as it breaks. My phone falling to the floor.

"Jessie!" Finn yells as the blood drains from my face. I'm pretty sure my face is comparable to a ghost right now. It hurts. It hurts so bad. Tears are at the brim of my eyes. As soon as blondie let's go of my arm I collapse onto the floor. Pain erupting from my hip like fireworks as I unceremoniously land onto it. Blondie steps on my phone and growls.

Leaning down he spits in my face, "They can't help you, but I'll leave your brother for them to find. Just 'cause I'm a nice guy," His picks his leg up and crushes his heel to my head. Before the sweet release of darkness takes me Finns sobs echo through my head.


Oh my goodness. I'm so excited for this book.


Stay beautiful

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