Chapter 5, So We Meet Again

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I woke to the sound of the door sliding in place. Groaning, my heavy body slowly allows my eyes to open. Damn, I was hoping it was a nightmare, that I wasn't actually trapped in this stupid prison. Since Mr. Beta left somebody in this kind establishment(notice the sarcasm) decided that I needed water and food to live. Aren't they so nice. It's almost as if they don't want to take care of my rotting corps after I die in this beautiful hell hole. I roll my eyes at my thoughts.

Turning my head my eyes make contact with a bottle of water and an apple. My stomach growls.

I guess the door closing was the supplier leaving. Whoever they were. They always came as I was sleeping. Not letting me see them.

Pushing myself up I yawn and walk over to the minimal food that they've given me. At least it's something. Grabbing the apple I quickly take a bite and sigh. It's been forever since Mr. Beta got freed. I don't know why but I hoped he would come back and rescue me. I obviously couldn't do it myself.

Finishing the apple, I drink the water and walk around the cell. After a crap ton of laps I sit back down. My body weak from the minimal amount of food and the long period of time without food.

Laying down I close my eyes again, might as well sleep and escape this prison for awhile.


"Alright Baby doll, it's time to wake up," a male voice creeps into my dreams bringing me back to my cell.

Rolling my head towards the sound and come face to face with the imbecile that put me in here. Blondie.

Sliding a key into the lock of my cell he quickly opens the door. Replacing the space with his body instead. I quickly stand up and back away from from him, like prey. My eyes dart passed him and into the hallway in which he came from, then back at him. He grins.

"Don't think about it Sweetheart. The more you crave freedom the harder it will be to adjust, so I recommend just forgetting about it. Now lets go," Blondie jerks his head backwards and steps to the side of the opening. Gesturing for me to walk out.

I hesitate, do I take the steps or not. Last time Blondie appeared my life got shoved into darkness, literally.

"Lets go Doll," Blondie grunts. "Walk or I'll carry you. My orders are 12 o'clock sharp and I'm not going to be late. You've got 10 seconds to decide."

I take a step.

"10, 9..."

My heart beats fast. My head throbs as a gentle reminder of our last encounter.


God I'm going to regret this. My legs push me forward again. My hip protests, but doesn't stop me. I guess that walking I forced it do earlier helped.


I reach the final few steps in front of the opening. Standing a few feet from Blondie.

"Walking, huh. Darn I was hoping to carry you. I'd love to see your pretty little..."

I walk past him and into the hall. Silently screaming at him to stop. Every word from his mouth makes me hate him more.

Blondie grabs my arm and drags me down the hall. Sliding his key into the main door he opens it. My eyes squint against the harsh light of the area. Blondie shoves me forward and my foot comes in contact with something solid right before I fall onto a conveniently placed staircase.

Blondie reaches down and wraps his large arm around my torso, pulling me up. He leaves his arm there and starts up the staircase. I twist my body and try to pull away from him.

"Let go of me," my voice is soft, but firm. He chuckles.

"Sorry babe, but it's my duty to get you out of here in one piece," he drags out the word duty as if it would help me to understand him. Fuck his duty. I struggle harder. His filthy hands need to leave my body.

In a flash he turns towards me and throws me over his shoulder. Panic bubbles inside of me. I scream, kick, punch. Everything I was told to do as a child if someone came up to me. Only I was older now, and Blondie was unaffected.

"Bloody murder! Fuck off you mother fucking asshole," I scream. The only response I get is a small laugh. "I hope you die a bloody, painful, gruesome death you sleazebag!" My voice raises louder.

He opens a door and even brighter light seeps into my already burning eyelids. I squeeze my eyes close and pound his back harder.

"She's a spit fire," some other idiot comments to Blondie. What the hell is going on.

"I'll bet a high ranking will be paired with her. She's defiantly a fighter," Blondie replies.

I open my eyes and am rewarded with the sight of a forest. We are literately in the middle of nowhere. Great, even if I managed to get away from Blondie I still would be in trouble, and lost.

Blondie's friend speaks up again. "The truck is about to leave, I'd take her there fast, unless you want the Alpha on your butt,"

"Damn, I thought I had more time," Blondie sounds stressed. "Later dude,"

He takes off running at a incredible fast speed. My hands reach out and grasp onto his back, instinct. My eyes squeeze shut again and I suppress the urge to scream. The heck is wrong with him.

He stops suddenly and I half slam into his back, as much as our distance permits. He slides me off of his back and I land on the ground with about as much grace as a fat pig.

"She's here,"

"I minute to spare, really close Darrel. Get her in the car," some dude says to Blondie, or my bad, Darrel. Nope, still calling him Blondie.

Nope, not happening. I am not getting in the car. Just before Darrel grabs my arm I jet past him and book it to the forest.

"Shit," I faintly hear Blondie mumble before the sound of feet storming the ground erupts.

Great, I'm being chased. I thought I had at least a few more seconds before he would take off after me.

Something hard shoves into my body pushing me into the ground. I'm abruptly yanked up within seconds and thrown over Blondie's shoulder.

"Sweetheart, you can run all you like. I'll still catch you," Blondie chuckles right before throwing me into the vehicle and closing the door in my face.


I apologies for the incredibly crappy writing. It sounded a lot better in my head. Anyways...


Stay beautiful

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