Chapter 3, Meet The New Guy On The Block

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I take a deep breath. The guard wasn't wrong, it does smell like crap in here. I don't smell any better though. But what did they mean by not touching me? Not that I don't mind them keeping their dirty paws to their selves. I don't want to know what that guard would have done if he did come in here. Especially since I'm not in any postion to fight.

Turning my body towards where I assume they put the other prisoner, I groan as my side inflames when I switch positions in my cell. Damn Blondie. Maybe the other prisoner, as I've deemed myself and him, of this hell can help me get out of here. After all, we both are stuck here.

"Hey, uh," my voice is scratchy and unused. I cough, trying to clear my throat. "I'm..."

"I don't care," his voice was hard and emotionless. Okay, that was rude.

"Umm.. Okay," I held a bit of sass in it. I have a broken and bruised body, been kidnapped, and have no idea what happened to my family and I was not in the mood to deal with his crap. Or anyone's crap for that matter. As of right now, I have decided to fight for my free will. If that includes this guy then do be it.

He sighed. "Look princess, I don't really care about you or your problems. In case you haven't noticed I have my own issues right now," he sounded annoyed and slightly unbothered. Like I was a pesky fly that kept getting in the way of his food. Not a big deal, but still there, a minor inconvenience.

"I was going to try and be friendly," my voice is full of snark and 100% pure teenage attitude. Along with a touch of hunger. "My bad. I guess it was wrong of me to assume that since we were both in here that we could speak at least,"

Through the darkness I could hear him chuckle.

"Attitude, cute," You could hear the smirk in his voice. "Listen sweetheart, I don't really give a damn about chit chat. Nor do I want to talk to you. I'm sure you have a pretty little story all made up about your innocence in all this and how you need a smart, young handsomely talented, amazing guy to help you escape your execution. But I don't want to hear it, I don't really care if you live or die."

Execution, innocence?

"Execution?" my voice wavers slightly. For some reason, I didn't think I would be killed, used, tortured maybe but killed? Why would they go through all that work to kill me? I thought I would be able to make it through this, but death is not something you can come back from.

"Yeah, as in killed, dead, capump, gone, never coming back," he says using a monotone voice.

"Why?" my voice is barely there as I ask myself the million dollar question of this moment. "God, why me?" I look up towards the heavens. Please I just want to go back to my parents, and Finn. Alive.

"That's your story, Princess. I'm not the one who got themselves stuck I the execution cells of the Silver pack,"

His words started the waterworks. Tears started to fall down my face like a sappy fangirl when the main character dies. I'm going to die. They're going to kill me. I'm not going to live to get old and wrinkly. I haven't even had a boyfriend yet!

My brain is working overtime to process this. Why I haven't thought of it before, I don't know.

Get it together Jessie. You can take get out of here if you spend the whole time crying like a baby.

Deep breath in, and out. Breathe in, and out. Focus on breathing.

"What about you?" my voice is soft and snuffeled. Adding evidence to my crying.

"Don't worry about me sweetheart. My ride outta here is coming tomorrow. Perks of being the Beta, guaranteed survival," they guy states.

"What's a Beta?" I ask. It's not like I have much to lose. I'm already on someone's hit list.

Mr. 'I got a ride out of here' chuckles.
"Even Rouges know what a Beta is, how stupid are you darling,"

I keep my mouth shut. 1. I'm not stupid 2. His "nicknames" were really string to drive into my skin as well as his condencending tone. 3.I have no idea what Rouge means. And 4.he just told me I'm going to DIE. The least he could do was explain whatever stupid job title he had.

Breathe, Jessie. Do not start crying again.

"You really don't know? Wait are you..." I think he started to sniff the air. Or at least that's what it sounded like.

"You are. Damn this silver, messing with my nose," I guess he was sneezing the air. Weirdo.

"Why would they put you down here. Or bring you onto the territory at all?" his voice holds curiosity in it now.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask the bastereds who kidnapped me. I'm sure they'll be real nice since your a Beta or whatever and let you know.

"She can't be a mate, cause they wouldn't stand for this. Enemies child, she would know about wolves..." his already soft voice carries out.

"Uhh... Okay. Are you going to explain what a Beta is or..." my voice trails out.

I shift onto my back so I'm facing the endless darkness above me instead of to my side. My head is starting to pound a little bit. After days of darkness and silence this minimal conversation is starting a to effect my already damaged head. Once again, damn you Blondie.

"Do you want the short version or the long version," he asked.

"Just give me the short version now," I press my hand into my head.

"Basically I'm the second in command in my pack. Above me being the Alpha and below the Delta. We take care of all the business that it takes to run a pack,"

"A pack? What are you wolves?" I roll my eyes. How chliche is he going to get.

"As close as you can get. Welcome, Sweety, to the world of werewolves,"


Any thoughts on how she will react to the werewolf thing.


Stay beautiful

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