Chapter 4, Alone Again

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I laughed, and I couldn't stop. There's no way this dude is telling the truth. I probably shouldn't have. Who knows if this dude was a sociopath.

"You done," his voice sounded worried and sleepy slightly amused. Like he was afraid I lost my rocker. Though I wasn't sure where his was.

Calming down I muttered a quick yes. I wasn't sure if he was alright though. Werewolves don't exist. Period. I wasn't a little girl, I understand that they don't exist. That fairytales were not true.

"I can prove it," his voice was solemn, controlled. He sounded sure of himself.

My head throbbed a little at his voice. Or more accurately, sound penetrating my brain.

"Yeah, okay," What do I have to lose. It's not like I had anywhere to be anytime soon.

"Say something," he says.

"Uh, okay. Something," I reply back.

My headache starts to spread like the Black plague in the middle ages through my head.

He chuckles. The sound vibrating around the dark area.

"Quietly, so I can't hear," he says.

"Okay, are you going to do a magic trick or something," I mutter almost uneligably.

"No sweetie. No magic," he replies.

Okay, so he heard my mumbling. So what, he could have good hearing. It's not a 'spectacular werewolf' thing to be able to hear.

"Kay, so what. You have good hearing," I snark back to him. Regretting it as I do, my headache seems to get worse. The pounding drawing out every syllable.

"The guys that kidnapped you, they were werewolves as well. Didn't you notice their strength?"

I thought about it. They were really strong. Like really, really strong. Who lifts a teenage girl up like a piece of paper, and destroys them just as easily? My body hums in pain as a reminder of it.

"So they may or may not have probably broken a few bones, but that's what the gym is for. There are a lot of guys that lift insane weights," my voice is steady. Werewolves are not real. Maybe he's on crack or something. That's got to be it. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Werewolves are a myth and I'm not going to die. Awesome.

A sharp pain penetrates my head again. Damn this headache.

"Not as..." the sound of a door closing and bootsteps interrupt his speaking.

The bright light from when they brought him in is back as the door to the prison is opened.

"... So you decided to lock up my Beta," a deep voice growls. Almost like he was in pain.

"He crossed into our territory uninvited. It is procedure to guarantee the safety of our pack," another voice answers the first one.

Would you guys just shut up! I scream in my head. They are not helping this headache ordeal at all.

The first guy let's out a low, animalistic growl at his words." Just get him out," the words are spit out of his mouth.

The clanking of keys quickly follows his words.

"What do you think I'm doing!?! I didn't come down here to have a nice chit chat with you," the second guy replies. If possible you could hear him rolling his eyes. "Geez, I swear the smart genes skipped a generation. Or at least you," he mumbles after.

The clinking of a door, or more accurately, cell bar, being opened filled the air.

"Finally, I was wondering if I needed to start my family locked up in that cell with sweetheart over there," Mr. Werewolves are real and I'm the beta of them speaks.

"Sweetheart?" one of the new guys asks.

Oh great, they're talking about me. Thanks so much Mr. Beta for bringing me into the convo. It's not like these guys probably hate me or anything. You know, they only want to kill me according to you.

"Speaking of which, why do you have a human in the cells?" my now used to be fellow prison mate asks. I perk up at that question, ignoring the fact that he said human. Seriously, why am I stuck in this cell.

"Human?!" I think guy who growled, asks. If possible I could see an Eyebrow raise in that question.

"Yes, though it is none of your business as to why she is there," the other one of the three replies.

It would be so much easier to follow this conversation if I knew their names.

"It would probably be more adequate to take this conversation up to my office. Seeing that we got what we came down here for Eric," the 3rd guys speaks again.

So the guy that growled names Eric.

"Alright, lead the way," Eric replies. His voice sounds a little skeptical. Is he worried about me? Can he get me out of here?

The sound of feet walking away follows as their conversation gets fainter. Leaving me, my headache, and these thoughts alone once again. At least with them gone the quietness should help my head.



Stay beautiful

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