Chapter 13, Careful Love

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We walk, or he walks and I'm carried for about 20 minutes. The entire time I carry on with the internal war inside my head. Just as we are in the clearing of the cabin I finally make up my mind.

I'm going to get to know him the old fashioned human way and then decide. It's kinda stupid but why not. I've got nothing to lose at this point.

Ashley and her mate, the Apha go into the cabin first. Following them, my eyes take in the interiors.

It was a homey cabin decorated with fur pelts along the walls. A small brown couch in the center of the room is facing a TV set up on the wall. Across the room is a kitchen with a bar. A hallway leads to more unknown doors.

Once we cross the threshold my mate sets me back down on my feet. My legs give out as soon as they reach the floor. The heat difference and lack of use from these past few minutes causing them to not work.

His hands dart out and he pulls me up before I hit the floor. Crushing me against his chest. A low rumble escapes his chest. He leans down so his face is pressed against mine.

"Careful Love, you don't need to fall so hard for me already. We have time,"

My face goes beet red and I look down. Somehow, my naturally witty comebacks escape me in the moment and my tounge is frozen.

He laughs before sticking a finger gently under my chin and urging my face back up to his.

"Don't hide. Come on," he grabs my hand and pulls me along behind him down the hallway. I look up to find Ashley already down the hallway entering a room. Our eyes meet and she shrugs her shoulders.

Opening one of the doors he pulls me in with him. Letting go of my hand my mate goes to the dresser sitting in the corner and opens the drawers.

Suddenly very much aware of his nakedness I look away. My face flaming even brighter.

The sound of the door closing reaches my ears seconds before he speaks.

"All dressed now,"

I peek up just as he's walking over to me. A t shirt and boxers in his hand.

"Change out of your dress," his voice is gruff and firm leaving no room to argue.

"Now? Can you, uh, turn around or somthing?" I squeak out.

He turns around mumbling something as he does. I quickly strip and redress. Trying to minimize the time in case he turns around. It takes a little longer than I hoped it would as my still cold fingers fumble around with the fabric.

The shirt hung slightly to big for my frame and the boxers stayed on my hips with the top rolled in to make it slightly snugger. But it was more covering and warm than the dress I previously wore so there wasn't much to complain about.


Suddenly I'm really nervous for him to turn around.

"I'm dressed now,"

As soon as he turns around he growls and moves in towards me. Automatically, I take a step back. His eyes turn slightly gold as he matches my step with a step of his own.

My back hits the door trapping me in between it and the man before me. He keeps advancing until there is only about a centimeter of space in between us.

"Don't run from me. I'll always catch you," he growls out. His face nestling itself into the crook of my neck.

A shiver goes down my spine and my head clouds up. I need space.

I put my hand up on his chest to try and push him away. A soft rumble comes out from his chest.

"I...uh... I need space,"

I turn and duck under his arm. His eyes darken but he let's me escape.

Walking over towards the bed I sit down on the very end of it. My head turns as I try to collect my thoughts.

"Your name?" My voice is soft, not at all like I would have liked it to come out.

He looks at me for a minute before walking over and sitting a little to close for comfort on the bed with me.

"What? My name, right. Cole,"

"Cole," I repeated softly.

A slight growl came from his chest. At least I think it did, he could be hungry or something.

"So, what now?"


xoxo ~Knight

Stay beautiful

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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