Bitter Reunions

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The excitement bubbled uncontrollably in Y/N's stomach as she sprinted toward the brick wall between platforms nine and ten at King's Cross Station, her small hands clutching her trolley tightly, her eyes squeezed shut. After a moment of darkness, she emerged on to the magical side of the train station, the black and red exterior of the Hogwarts Express looming before her. The walls were lined with copper bricks and the smell of smoke and sweat overwhelmed her. Freezing for a moment, she absorbed the urgent bustle and chatter of families saying their farewells and yelling out last-minute reminders. She looked around bewildered, watching with sad eyes as parents kissed their children good bye, many with unshed tears glittering in their eyes. Her own father was not able to accompany her; not that she expected him to. She could count on one hand how many times her father had had an actual conversation with her, and almost all of them involved her training; being the daughter of an Unspeakable had its drawbacks. However, money was not one of them. Her trolley was filled to the point of being unmoveable with trunks of clothes, school robes and supplies, little gifts from family and friends, and to top it all off, in a cage stood her snow white cat, Celeste.

"I don't - want - to - go! You think I want to go to some stupid castle and learn to be a - a - you think I want to be a - a freak?"

A girl's high pitched screech shook Y/N out of her trance. Looking around, she immediately spotted the source of the disturbance. The family was obviously muggle, casting a sharp contrast in their odd clothes to the wizards surrounding them in robes. Two girls stood arguing. A red-head already clothed in her Hogwarts robes stood eerily still, her face currently a shade matching her hair. In front of her stood a girl who Y/N presumed to be the girl's sister, but with drab, straight brown hair, dressed in muggle clothes, fists curled at her sides, face contorted into a sneer. Y/N shook her head in pity; muggle students at Hogwarts often experienced estrangement from family who couldn't-or wouldn't-understand the gift of magic. At least her parents seemed proud, as she watched them take turns hugging their daughter before she spun on her heels and stalked towards the train. Taking a deep breath, Y/N dropped off her luggage, throwing one last glance at the crowd before her. The anxiety and anticipation was almost tangible. Returning students flew into old friends arms as their younger siblings watched timidly. Stepping into the train, Y/N smiled at the laughter echoing from the carts as students reconnected with friends, animatedly telling tales of their summer adventures. Unable to find an empty cart, she slid into the first cart of first-years she came across, earning the attention of a familiar red-head who looked like she had been mid-conversation with a scrawny boy with pitch black eyes and a greasy set of hair to match.

"Sorry, hope you don't mind, most of the compartments are full and I really don't know anyone here" Y/N blurted out.

At this, the red-headed girl smiled warmly, a smile that lit up her brilliant green eyes and shone with kindness.

"Of course, I'm Lily. Lily Evans. And this is Severus Snape." She nudged the boy next to her who eyed you reluctantly, then proceeded to give a brief, tight-lipped smile that did not reach his eyes. He looked less than pleased to have someone interrupting their conversation. Y/N took a seat, offering her hand to both of them.

"I'm Y/N."

Severus snickered. "You don't happen to have a last name, do you?"

Embarrassed, Y/N flushed, her heart rate accelerating at the prospect of revealing her last name so soon. Their last names proved that they weren't pure-blood, therefore unlikely to recognize her. However, she still hesitated before saying "L/N. Y/N L/N."

Instantly, she heard a sharp intake of breath and whipped her head in its direction, as she realized the trio were accompanied by another two boys in their cart. Both of them looked at her with such intensity that there was no doubt the name rang several bells. In the background she could hear Lily and Severus discussing Hogwarts houses.

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