Not-So-Bitter Reunions

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Y/N woke up alongside the sun, its rays peeking into the small window of her dorm and warming her cheeks. Groaning, she moved her arm to shield her eyes, instantly feeling the exertion of the previous night through the ache in her bones. 

The previous night.

The memories came flooding back to her, her heart involuntarily picking up pace just at the thought of her ordeal. She could not help wondering, despite their rudeness, how James and Sirius were doing. The morbid thoughts raced through her mind. They were all bleeding, what if the werewolf had clawed one of them? A single scratch can cause the victim to exhibit symptoms of a werewolf. What about Remus? A werewolf's memory in its beast form ends when the full moon sets but what if somehow Remus remembered? He'll have woken up with considerably more damage than usual. Should she tell him? 

Y/N sighed with frustration. There was no way she could go back to sleep now. She lifted her head slightly, peeking a glance at Lily who lay a single bed over. Light snores came from her bed, its curtains drawn, signalling that she was asleep. Wincing from the pain, Y/N pulled herself into a sitting position. She looked around at the other two beds, both with their  crimson curtains drawn as well. It was a Saturday, and nobody would be awake for another two hours at least. Even the house elves can't have started on breakfast just yet. Rubbing her drooping eyes and stifling a yawn, Y/N slipped her Gryffindor cloak over her night gown, and tiptoed barefoot down to the Common Room. She flinched at the contact of the stone cold stairwell with her feet, inhaling sharply in surprise. She didn't notice the dark-haired boy lounging in the arm chair as she scampered to the fireplace to warm her bare hands and feet.

"It was an invisibility cloak."

Y/N jumped in surprise, her hand instinctively curling around her wand. She whirled around, coming face to face with James lazily sprawled across a homey arm chair. His eyes widened when he noticed her hand curled inside her cloak and threw his hands in the air in surrender. Y/N let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding, closing her eyes with relief. She let go of her wand, wrapping her arms around herself subconsciously, painfully aware of the way her hair tangled like a nest at the back of her head.

"What are you doing up?", she asked in a tentative, breathy voice.

James shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Couldn't sleep." He paused, looking at her knowingly before smiling sheepishly. "I used to know this girl a long time ago who had a habit of waking at ungodly hours whenever she was upset. Might've been hoping to run into her."

Y/N let out a short laugh, reveling in the awkward normalcy of the way the two were talking. No jeers. No insults.

"I see. You're not-you're okay right? No werewolf scratches? and Sirius too?"

James chuckled. 

"We're fine. You?"

Y/N nodded, biting the inside of her cheek and fidgeting with the sleeve of her cloak. She couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted something from her. 

The air seemed fraught with discomfort, the silence that ensued suffocating. James cleared his throat. 

"It was an invisibility cloak", he repeated. 

Y/N raised an eyebrow at him in a silent question. 

"You asked me, last night, how we were disappearing. I'd like to have that conversation again-properly." He paused again. "If you're up for it, that is."

Y/N smiled, and took a seat on the sofa next to James, her legs swinging below her. 

"Okay. Why didn't my revealing charm work on it?"

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