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A/N okay I just wanna say I know I don't answer all the comments but I really really really REALLY appreciate everyone who comments and votes on my story bc they literally make my day and I read every single one thank you SO much

"Move, Sirius", Y/N whispered urgently, throwing him an exasperated look over her shoulder.

"Can't you see I'm trying? I'm stuck", he whined out.

Y/N stopped walking to glare at her friend, before rolling her eyes and retreating back into the Shrieking Shack to help him out.

"Can't you just rip it out? It's just an overcoat", Y/N said, gesturing to the black and red of Sirius' cloak, caught in the crevices of the deteriorating Shrieking Shack.

"Nuh-uh. No way, you think I'm just going to leave my scent lying around for Werewolf Remus to sniff out when we're in the same building as him? Nice try, but you're not getting me killed that easily", Sirius shot back. 

"That's unfortunate", Y/N grumbled out, pulling out her wand with a furtive glance over her shoulder. Madame Pomfrey should be bringing Remus from the castle any minute.

With an urgent wave of her wand, Y/N was able to lift the floorboard enough to free Sirius' overcoat, just before they heard the creaking of another pair of footsteps. In a hustle of movements, Sirius pulled Y/N under James' borrowed invisibility cloak, dragging them into the furthest corner from the entrance. Y/N held her breath as Madame Pomfrey gave Remus his usual speech, and tried to forget how close she was to Sirius, how well she could see the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. 

 It had been a week since Slughorn's Christmas party and the more time went on, the more Y/N was sure she'd imagined the moment between her and Sirius. He had sat next to her at breakfast the next morning, swinging into his seat loudly, a smug grin on his face and stories of his conquest of the night before on his lips, and Y/N had simply sat there dumbfounded, swallowing down the bitterness in her throat. She was many things, but she was not-would not- be weak. And so she'd smiled at him, laughing along with every joke that resonated like a sledgehammer on her heart.   

"You guys can come out now", Remus called out, and Y/N didn't start breathing again until Sirius had reached a safe distance. 

"You guys really don't have to come out to babysit me every full moon, you know. I've been doing it alone for some time now", Remus mumbled out, though Y/N did not miss how mopey his tone was. 

Sirius laughed in response, throwing a friendly arm around Remus. He had thinned in the days leading up to the full moon, his face paler than usual, so that he looked incredibly small under Sirius' arms.

"You're funny, Lupin. You think we come out here for you? Y/N, James, Peter and I, we're only actually here because of that secret passage to Hogsmeade, buddy.", Sirius joked, knowing Remus hated the idea that his friends went through trouble for him. They'd surely be expelled if anyone found out what they were up to.

Y/N smacked Sirius lightly, ruffling the back of his hair at the comment to which Sirius responded with a boyish giggle and a half-hearted duck out of the way, and Remus actually cracked a smile.

"It's not like we actually do anything, anyway. We bring you food and a change of clothes, and then use this as an excuse to goof off until sunrise. In all honesty, you're doing us a favor", Y/N finished. 

"Well, you guys should get going now, then, get safely into the tunnel before...", Remus trailed off, looking anxiously out the window at the silvery hints of a rising moon.

"We'll wait upstairs until your transformation. I want to make sure you're safe for as long as I can", Y/N replied, and a somber Sirius nodded along with her. With a final hug, Y/N and Sirius climbed up the stairs in the Shrieking Shack, wondering how many times they'd have to do this before it got easier, before they could make it easier on Remus, at least. 

Things Worth Dying For  (A Sirius Black x Reader Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now