Favorite Colors and Last Dances

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A/N --> S/O to @whoarei on tumblr for the idea about yellow and favorite colors. Their idea, not mine!! (execution of the idea was mine though, tyvm)

Sirius didn't just like the color red, he was red. 

He was the red of fiery anger, ignited dangerously in a split second, the kind that ended in screams that left his voice aching and hoarse, hot tears stinging the backs of his eyes. He was  a flame of excitement and energy, thriving off music loud enough to silence his thoughts and parties that promised nights of forgetting reality.

He was the calm that came with hot winds and sunsets, reflected like blood against a clear river, and he was the red of roses and love, of fierce protectiveness towards his brother in blood and his brothers by choice. He was the dying embers of a lonely night, memories of a warmth that promised to return, and he was the red of rosy cheeks on cold nights, huddled under a blanket with the girl he loves.

Sirius was, without a doubt, a man of red. 

Until Slughorn's Christmas Party. 

Until he saw Y/N. 

"Any day now, Hannah!", he'd called out, failing to keep the impatience out of his voice as he studied the patterns in the wood of the Gryffindor Common Room. 

"I'm here, I'm here, relax!", she'd called back, closer than he'd expected. 

He looked up expectantly, and felt the breath knocked out of him, speech dancing tauntingly out of reach.

Through his peripheral, he could see Hannah at the bottom of the stone steps of the girls' dormitory, mundanely pretty in a red dress and long, flowing blonde hair, but all he could focus on was the girl standing at the top, her head thrown back in laughter at something Lily had whispered to her. 

The world seemed to stop around him, blur around the edges, as he watched Y/N with a small smile on his lips, her eyes crinkled in delight. Y/N had always been beautiful, with a smile that shone bright enough to rival the sun, but tonight was different. Tonight, he felt a strange yearning take root in his heart as he watched her, something about her voice reverberating through the common room stirring him to the very depth of his soul.

Yes, she had always been beautiful, but tonight, she was breathtaking. She had done something to her wild, curly hair, so that it was sleeked back in a low bun, loose strands framing her face delicately. Her bronze skin seemed to sparkle against the yellow of her satin gown, and Sirius struggled to keep his eyes from drifting down, to control the way his fingers itched to trace lines against her bare collar bone. 

"Gorgeous", he whispered under his breath, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips

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"Gorgeous", he whispered under his breath, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. He felt a strange pride swell in his chest, knowing that she'd worn yellow just to spite him. This was Y/N, his Y/N, who was causing all those heads in the common room to turn. 

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