Year 2

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A/N just to warn you guys, I'm going to only dedicate a couple chapters to year 2 and 3 because the majority of the story will be focused Year 4 and onwards (how you gon have a love story between 12 and 13 year olds anyway)

  The excitement bubbled uncontrollably in Sirius' stomach as he sprinted toward the brick wall between platforms nine and ten at King's Cross Station, one hand clutching his trolley tightly, his eyes squeezed shut, while the other curled around his brother Regulus' shoulders.  After a moment of darkness, he emerged on to the magical side of the train station, the black and red exterior of the Hogwarts Express looming before him. The walls were lined with copper bricks and the smell of smoke and sweat overwhelmed him. Freezing for a moment, he absorbed the urgent bustle and chatter of families saying their farewells and yelling out last-minute reminders. His parents followed close behind, shoulders set back with pride and nose turned up at the mingling muggles. He envied them sometimes, resented the way not a single hair on either of their heads moved as they transitioned through the walls, the way even the strongest of winds couldn't ruffle their clothing.  

"Now Regulus, remember to be good and we shall be in touch soon. I expect to hear from you after sorting anyhow", said his mother, her words coming out clipped and cold.

At the mention of sorting, Regulus paled visibly, not missing the way Orion Black's eyes darkened, stiffly avoiding his eldest son, nor the way Walburga's fingers tightened painfully around Sirius' shoulder. Sirius, on the other hand, had come to expect this type of treatment. He didn't flinch as his mother's nails dug into his flesh, didn't waver from the poker face that had settled on his features. He scanned the dark crowd for the shock of black hair he had come to find comfort in, not realizing when his thoughts wandered instead to a certain curly-haired brunette. 

"Our son will be in Slytherin for sure, just watch and see Walburga", finished the head of the Black family. 

Sirius' heart fell to his knees. He closed his eyes, pushing back the familiar stinging behind his eyes and set his shoulders back with his inherited pride. When he opened them again, he focused solely on his brother, on the slight tremor of his small hands, and the subtle panic in his eyes. 

"I, for one, will accept you no matter what house you're in", Sirius added. His head remained raised with dignity, even when the sound of his mother's hand slamming into his head echoed across the station. 


Stepping into the Hogwarts Express for the second time, Y/N marveled at how much of a difference a single year can make. She smiled and waved at her housemates and classmates, heart bursting with warmth and affection as they relayed the tales of their summer. Her eyes restlessly searched for her flaming-haired best friend, but still she devoured the stories her other friends told her. 

Y/N herself hadn't done much over the summer. Confined to her room by her father's order, she spent her days nostalgically wandering the hallways of the home she hadn't been welcome in for four years. There was something eerie and haunting about returning to a childhood memory. The walls themselves seemed to speak to her, to whisper to her the recollections of her as bright eyed little girl. Often times, she was sure she could hear her mother's voice dancing through the house, the same lullaby that used to put Y/N to sleep now coaxing her to stay sane for just a couple more weeks. Or, she could hear the mischievous giggles of the older brother who's voice she was sure she wouldn't recognize anymore, following her through their favorite hiding spots. Y/N felt like by simply being there, just existing in that house so many years later, was a severe violation to the memory of a small girl who once believed in the good in the world. She didn't know if that girl existed anymore. 

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