01 | Humble Beginnings

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Word Count: 961

     The sounds of heels on marble were muffled behind 15 centimeters* of glass, getting gradually louder with each step, carrying two large figures. One, blue, and the other purple, gazed at what was within a glass dome with stars in their eyes. "Oh, yes! He is quite exquisite, isn't he? Such a cutie!" said the purple.

     Her companion placed curious fingertips against the glass. "He is appealing in appearance, but what is his purpose? I am not familiar with his gem. I'm not even sure I can tell what kind he is – are they rare?"

     "Rare? Oh, yes, extremely!" The purple Gem clapped her hands together. "Even more rare than a sapphire or jadeite! Black opals are hard to come by." Her smile was prideful. "They are often gifted with future vision, but to a much lesser extent than sapphires. This one in particular is hardly ever right, but when he is, it is one hundred percent accurate!"

     The blue Gem raised a bushy brow. "That is interesting, but what is his purpose?"


     The Gem they stared at sat straight with his legs crossed. He looked from mouth to mouth as they spoke, catching each word perfectly. Black rings, unnatural to his pale skin tone, hung under his eyes. He exhaled and looked to the pillow he had been stuck on for more than enough millenniums.

 He exhaled and looked to the pillow he had been stuck on for more than enough millenniums

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     "I wish I knew," he mumbled, unheard. His back curved as he leaned his elbows on his knees.

     Tap! Tap! Tap!

     He jumped and straightened his spine. He focused his eyes ahead at a wall and dared not to glance elsewhere.

     "If anything, he's a slob! Oh ho ho!" the purple Gem laughed.

     The blue Gem was unamused. "Then what is the point of his existence? A symbol status? His gem is not even of a natural cut. He should be an aristocrat, if anything."

     Black Opal suddenly became aware of the heart-shape over the left part of his chest. It wasn't a natural cut? He had never heard that before, but what did it matter?

     "He doesn't have enough intelligence to be an aristocrat. He's just...valuable." The purple Gem scanned the room. "Obsidian?!" she shouted.

     The blue Gem crossed her arms and looked about the room with an equal annoyance. "A new guard? Missing on his first day? Tsk tsk." She stuck her nose-gem in the air with a smirk.

     Tears pooled in Black Opal's eyes as he struggled to maintain his stare at the wall. Topaz had been such a delightful companion after he had managed to break her silence.

     Just a day before, Black Opal had cracked the best joke about the Diamonds. Topaz had broken into hysterical laughter for a few moments, repeating the punch line in gasps. Black Opal had been so proud of himself, he could barely contain his own laughter.

     The purple Gem had overheard this and stormed into the room. "What exactly is so funny about our Diamond? Hm?" She over towered Mystic Topaz with an icy stare. "What gives you the right to degrade your own Diamond to a joke?!"

     Black Opal pounded on the glass, trying to redirect the hatred towards him. "No, it was me! I made the joke!" His cries echoed back at himself but never reached the attention of his owner.

     Topaz noticed and took the blame without a second thought. "I – I'm just so low in the hierarchy! I should be a guard of higher status – this is an insult to all topaz!" She stomped a single foot. "If I can be insulted, why can't the Diamonds? They are not without fault!"

     "They are flawless beings! You are worth nothing more than the dirt you came from!"

     Topaz exchanged a fearful glance with Black Opal. In that moment, a sparkling cloud filled the space where she once stood. Black Opal no longer saw her green and purple eyes, but a silver club that reflected the horrors of his expression back at himself.

     The club lifted and the edge of a heel rested on top of the gem. The purple Gem held a furious stare before sliding into a cynical grin. "No worries, my precious. You won't have to tolerate this ignorance and disrespect for another minute."



     It had only been 26 hours and Topaz had already been replaced. Black Opal had preferred that the new guard was late; he still needed time to grieve. He had feared seeing another mystic topaz being put to stand in front of him for another eternity.

     "Obsidian! Here! Now!"

     Panicked footsteps rung through the hall. "Coming!" A thin Gem ran to the feet of the larger Gems and coughed. He wore a top that attached to his neck, leaving most of his back exposed. His trousers clung to his legs, not even bunching up at the tops of his knee-high boots. As per his gem, his clothing was monotone and muted in color. "My apologies, your Clarities! I was attacked along the way and we were of equal strength and skill," he explained hurriedly.

     "You were supposed to be here three hours ago; I find that hard to believe."

     Obsidian bit his lower lip and shrugged, his eyesight everywhere but on his superiors. "I have never been to this area before, your Clarity. I got a little lost beforehand."

     The purple Gem pointed to where Topaz had once stood for so long. "You won't get lost here, and you will not stray from this spot. Do you understand?"

     "Yes, your Clarity!" Obsidian took the spot immediately with squared shoulders.

     Black Opal couldn't help but stare at the four-point star on his left shoulder blade. That wasn't a natural cut – was it?


*15 cm is like 6 in

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