❁Chapter 9❁

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Chapter 9

Bea walked into the library, a small smile toying on her lips as she bid a quick goodbye to Bertie, trying to hold her laughter in after their conversation. After their date, the two had become so much closer than before, but not because of their mutual crushes on each other, seeing as they both agreed that that would never happen, instead they spent more time forming a friendship, and a good one they were making.

Bertie had a way of making good out of any situation, so when someone bumped into Bea, ultimately pushing her to the ground, it wasn't even in her mind as she entered the library, seeing as Bertie made it his mission for her to ignore it, not exactly wanting one of his now closest friends to feel miserable, especially since she was going to one of her study sessions with James, and she wasn't happy about it.

She was set on the fact that her brother had put one of his friends up to the task of spying on her, seeing as there was no other way to explain why a stag was staring intently at her from outside the window of The Three Broomsticks, it was almost laughable.

"Evening," Bea spoke quickly, dumping her books onto the table where James sat, sliding into the seat across from him, "did you read over that stuff I gave you on Saturday?"

"Yeah," James nodded, his eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the girl, "alright, Bumble?"

"Fine," she nodded her head, rummaging through her bag for her things, "how are you? took any trips to Hogsmeade lately?"

His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, looking intently at the girl across from him, seeing her tuck the stray piece of hair behind her hair he couldn't help the bubbling feeling of jealousy that swirled in his stomach as he thought back to what he had witnessed.

"I don't know, kissed any fourth years lately?"

Her head snapped up, a look that told him that he shouldn't have said that very evidently across her features, "so it was you, then."

"Yeah," James nodded, "tell me, Bea, how'd you know about the animagus?"

"Wha- of course I know about the animagus I- oh merlin," she clasped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide, "...what animagus, I don't even know what that is!"

He nodded, an amused smile taking over his features, "uh huh, so that first study session we had when you said it was very hard to become an animagus, was that you actually complimenting me?"

Her head fell onto the table, but James quickly put his hand out so that she would fall onto his hand instead of the hard table, and with a groan, and her voice slightly muffled, she spoke, "well it came up, I wasn't lying, it's very hard to become an animagus, I don't know - you felt stupid for not knowing anything about herbology, I wanted to make you feel good about yourself."

"Really?" asked James, biting back the smile twitching his lips, Bea was something else and he really didn't know how to handle it. It was as though suddenly she was a more prominent part of his life and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to, and he definitely didn't want to.

He hated to admit that Lily was far from his mind as far as crushes go, and whilst he did like her very much in past years, he was sure he was slowly falling for the girl in front of him, but getting the girl was a different story, he wanted desperately to know what happened with Bertie, but now in her presence, he felt terribly guilty.

Terribly guilty and a little scared at what her reaction would be, because James amidst his jealousy had told Remus of what had happened on Saturday, and to say he wasn't happy was an understatement, but whilst Remus had been looking for Bea, it seemed as though Bea had a way of staying hidden if she really wanted to.

Pretty Little Bumble Bea /James Potter/ ❁book 1❁Where stories live. Discover now