❁Chapter 23❁

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Chapter 23

As much as Bea loved the castle, she was having the hardest time saying goodbye to the Potters as they stood at the platform. Her Christmas was so lovely that she wished for a few more weeks or even the rest of the year to spend with them. It was a wonderful feeling to feel loved and Bea truly did in the Potter's presence, they treated her as though she was a part of the family and not only her but Sirius and James loved it.

James was more than ecstatic that his parents loved Bea, though it wasn't exactly hard too. She was easy to care for, and he cared about her a whole lot. He was having the best time with her and Sirius and going back to the castle only to pretend that Bea wasn't his bumble and just his friend was something he was definitely not looking forward to. In fact, he was already trying to be as casual as possible but he was on a fast route to failing.

It was just so hard to watch her and be near her and not hold her or touch her or kiss her. Her eyes where bright as she talked next summer with his mother, making plans to stay again as well as next Christmas, too, and as Sirius watched something just down the platform, James was watching her.

The way her smile tugged at her lips, the perfect smile that James thought about more than he wished to admit. The way she patted his father's arm with fondness and then moved to hug his mother tightly who was already shedding tears over their departure. Or the way the light freckles dotted her skin, scattering here and there with a slight uniqueness that was perfectly suitable for her.

The little things, he loved the most.

"Oh James, come here!" Euphemia sobbed, pulling on her son's hand and tightly hugging him as well as Bea. She was giggling like crazy, patting Euphemia's back and smiling up at James as he tried his best not to just grab her and hold her too. She drove him completely crazy but what he didn't realise that it the exact same for her.

The way the hair fell over his forehead that she wished to run her hands through, or how his hand rested on the bottom of her back as he hugged his mother as well as her. Or the way that his smile pulled up his cheeks when he saw the smile on her own lips. He made her knees weak and her heart pound and she knew as she stared at him that regardless of what anyone else thought, he was hers and all she wanted was to make it known.

"Bea," Sirius spoke, pulling her gaze from James to him. He didn't say anything but he didn't have to when Bea caught the sight, her heart racing ever so slightly and a small smile in Sirius' direction to act as a thank you.

Violet was just down the platform hugging Remus who was visible to Bea. Though there was something that was so completely off with her that Bea could feel her heart sink. She knew she needed to talk to her but she wondered if talking was the best time in the moment.

She felt frozen to her spot as she stared at the girl who had pulled away from Remus, her brother soon pulling his trunk as well as Violet's in the direction of the others whilst the girl stood alone, completely lost on what to do.

It wasn't the time for talking, Bea knew, but that didn't stop her. She pushed herself forward, her backpack now in Sirius' arms and her feet pounding on the platform as she ran. Violet hadn't seen her yet but Bea wasn't caring, she was pushing past people like wind, floating through the air until she practically pounced on the girl, her arms wrapped around her neck so tightly that the two nearly fell to the ground until the taller of the two stopped them.

She was in shock, not exactly expecting to be tackled but when she saw the sandy brown hair and the yellow dress that her smaller best friend had worn so many times, her arms wrapped around her so tightly, Bea could hardly breathe.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you," Bea whispered, her voice barely audible but Violet heard regardless.

"Bea don't you dare say sorry," Violet whispered, tightening her arms around her best friend, "Remus is amazing, and he's great and we're great together but you're my best friend. You're the girl who has been there through every break up and crush that I let myself have other than Remus. You're the one that was there for me through everything, and I let you down. I was hypocritical, I put my feelings before yours when you needed me the most and I should've seen the truth regardless of what you said.

Pretty Little Bumble Bea /James Potter/ ❁book 1❁Where stories live. Discover now